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Monday, March 25, 2013
CNS Pushes Smears of Obama Nominee

Craig Bannister uses a March 18 blog post to uncritically repeat an allegation that Thomas Perez, President Obama's nominee for labor secretary, was involved in "a quid pro quo deal that potentially cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars," in which "Perez urged the City of St. Paul to drop a case it had before the Supreme Court in return for a Justice Department decision not to intervene in an unrelated False Claims Act case. That case had the potential to return over $180 million in damages to the U.S. treasury."

in fact, as Media Matters explains, there's no evidence that Perez did anything wrong, the St. Paul case was seen by conservatives as an opportunity to undermine the longstanding "disparate impact" doctrine of civil rights enforcement, and other civil rights activists encouraged St. Paul to drop the lawsuit.

Another March 18 CNS article by Fred Lucas front-loads allegedly scandalous allegations against Perez, such as "giving incomplete testimony on the controversial handling of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case" and being "disqualified from running for Maryland state attorney general."

But those allegations fall apart once Lucas gets around to explaining some of the circumstances. For instance, Lucas ultimately admits that Perez was not with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division when the DOJ dropped the New Black Panther case.

And the reason Perez was disqualified from his race for attorney general, Lucas eventually gets around to stating, is because "Perez did not meet the state constitutional requirement to have practiced law in the state of Maryland for 10 years to be eligible to run for attorney general." But that doesn't tell the whole story, which Lucas started off by suggesting corruption and flipping to suggesting incompetence. In fact, Maryland courts had ruled that Perez's experience as a lawyer for the federal government in Washington, D.C., did not count because he was not a member of the Maryland bar at the time.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:54 PM EDT
WND's Ellis Washington Misquotes Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It wouldn't be Ellis Washington if he weren't getting something flamboyantly wrong, and Washington does just that in his March 22 WorldNetDaily column:

In a 2001 radio interview, Obama gave America a glimpse into the perverse mind of The Regime and what type of characteristics he considers in an ideal judge. Obama said, “… The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution. …”

The most effective tactics liberal/progressives have used repeatedly to break free from the “essential constraints” of the Constitution was to enact the treason of the Progressive Revolution throughout every aspect of society via liberal activist judges and their anti-constitutional decisions. By appointing Sonia Sotomayor (2009) and Elena Kagan (2010) to the high court, Obama has openly shown his utter contempt for the U.S. Constitution, preferring evolutionary activist judges who legislate from the bench and share his tyrannous belief that the Warren Court (1953-69) didn’t go “far enough” in enshrining “redistributive change” (e.g., integrating Marxist/Alinsky socialist ideas in place of the rule of law into every area of society), thus effectively rendering the Constitution a dead letter.

As we documented years ago, Obama did not say the Warren Court didn’t go "far enough" in enshrining "redistributive change." He said that because the Warren Court "didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution," that meant it wasn't as radical as its critics have portrayed it.

If Washington fails so utterly at basic reading comprehension, no wonder he can't find a tenure-track teaching job.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:10 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, March 25, 2013 10:10 PM EDT
MRC's Graham Dowplays Swift Boat Lies
Topic: NewsBusters

In a March 23 NewsBusters post, Tim Graham complains that NPR's Terry Gross noted that there were "so many lies" in the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attack against John Kerry during the 2004 presidential election. While Graham grouses that Gross didn't cite "anything specific," there were indeed lies and deceptions in what the Swift Boat group said.

Graham then insisted there were "firsthand testimonials on BOTH sides" of the Swift Boat issue, citing as evidence an ABC report that quoted Swift Boater Larry Thurlow. But Thurlow -- whose main function in 2004 was to deny that Kerry wasn't under enemy fire in an incident for which Kerry received a Bronze Star -- wasn't on Kerry's boat, he was on one nearby.

Graham also glosses over what was happening in that ABC report: the undermining of Thurlow's claims. Thurlow's own Bronze Star citation for the incident states that there was enemy fire. Thurlow never moved to returned his Bronze Star despite it being apparently awarded under false pretenses -- instead, he has made the unsubstantiated claim that Kerry was the author of the after-action report that allegedly resulted in the awarding of the medals.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:57 AM EDT
WND Brings Back More Anti-Obama Pseudo-Science
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily, it seems, is determined to grace its readers with more Obama-bashing thinly disguised as pseudo-science from self-proclaimed profiler Andrew G. Hodges.

Hodges' stenographer, Bob Unruh, gives us his latest psychological projection in a March 22 WND article:

In his newest analysis, he looks further into Obama’s statements in his press conference about the sequester issue in which he berated Republicans for not doing what he wants.

Hodges said “another spontaneous image” appeared from Obama’s “super intelligence.”

“Asked whether he couldn’t have pushed negotiations until a deal was reached, Obama replied, ‘I can’t have Secret Service block the doorway,’” Hodges explained

“He suggests the secret wish to block the Republicans from the door to the government. Failing to negotiate, he has made every effort to demonize/crush Republicans to gain total control of the government after the 2014 election. His ‘have Secret Service’ image further suggests a desire to totally control major government law enforcement agencies– to block any opposition,” Hodges said.

“The frightening image ‘of blocking the doorway’ to those who oppose him suggests progressively ideas of imprisonment/forced containment, and a picture of martial law. Extreme? Likely so for now but equally a potential major warning of his true intent – if everything fell into place,” he said.

But Hodges noted objective actions that fit the pattern, such as the government’s purchase of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, the estimated 145,000 federal agents with firearm- carry authority and the 65,000 agents for the Department of Homeland Security alone.


Hodges noted that even activists on the left have expressed concern. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the left-wing Code Pink, in a recent WABC radio interview with host Aaron Klein, called the potential abuse by the Obama administration’s huge domestic police power “extremely troubling.”

“Recall Obama’s earlier words which, importantly, he made spontaneously, strongly pointing toward an unconscious confession. ‘We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded [as the military].’

“What exactly was he thinking and why? Undeniably this was extreme: a civilian force just as well funded and strong as our military – implying majorly armed. The question is what exactly was Obama secretly confessing about his future plans? His unconscious super intelligence suggests a warning from a very dangerous Obama,” Hodges contends.

Hodges' not-so-secret anti-Obama agenda is all too clear as he once again puts the image of Obama that exists only in his fevered brain ahead of the facts. He apparently reads only WND, which seems to be where he picked up his fearmongering about the government hoarding ammunition and the zombie lie that Obama wants to create his own private army.

As before, Hodges is merely projecting his own hatred of Obama and/or throwing red meat to the rubes who hate Obama as much as he does. What does his so-called "ThoughtPrint decoding" say about that kind of chicanery?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:35 AM EDT
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Newsmax Wants Us To Know 'What Really Happened' With Trump's CPAC Appearance
Topic: Newsmax

Ronald Kessler may be gone from Newsmax, but his brand of Trump-fluffing lives on there.

A March 22 Newsmax article by Bill Hoffman is dedicated to counterspinning Donald Trump's sparsely attended appearance at CPAC by telling us "what really happened":

According to sources, organizers of the Conservative Political Action Conference placed Trump on the schedule for an 8:45 a.m. speech.

But this year, CPAC was located at Maryland’s National Harbor, well outside of downtown Washington, D.C., and some 30 minutes drive time during rush hour for many CPAC attendees who stayed in D.C. hotels.

To add further confusion, CPAC scheduled its prayer breakfast at the same time Trump was to speak. And the attendees who made it early to the convention site at the Gaylord National Resort were under the mistaken impression that Trump was speaking at the prayer breakfast, not in the ballroom.

“The organizers didn’t inform people that Mr. Trump was going to be at a separate forum. A large crowd went to the prayer breakfast thinking he would be there,’’ a CPAC organizer said, explaining the faux pas to Newsmax.

But it turns out that Trump, still one of the most popular figures among tea party conservatives, had the last laugh.

Much of the press that covered CPAC attended Trump’s event and missed the prayer breakfast.

Then, following his speech, the star of NBC’s smash show “All-Star Celebrity Apprentice’’ held the largest press conference of any of the guest speakers who attended CPAC’s three-day event.

“Not only were the national press in attendance, but Trump had a huge number of international press there,’’ the source said.

Yes, Hoffmann couldn't even get this but of fluff on the record -- he had to quote an anonymous "CPAC organizer." Sad, isn't it?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:39 PM EDT
WND Misleads About Alleged Government Bullet-Hoarding
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Garth Kant surely must be pleasing his new bosses at WorldNetDaily with the amount of misinformation he's generated in his short time as a WND reporter. On top of fearmongering about vaccines, Kant has turned his attention to suggesting that the government wants to kill you.

Kant writes in a March 21 WND article:

Members of Congress are demanding the Obama administration explain why it is stockpiling a huge arsenal of ammunition and weapons.

The Department of Homeland Security bought more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year, as well as thousands of armored vehicles.

First, DHS is not stonewalling. It responded to similar questions from Sen. Tom Coburn back in early February. DHS explained that it purchased fewer rounds of ammuntion in fiscal year 2012 than it had in the two previous years.

Second, as DHS noted, DHS did not buy "more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year," as Kant claimed. As the Associated Press reported, that number is for use over the next five years, not a single year, and it saves the government money by buying in bulk.

We thought WND opposed government waste. Apparently not.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:43 PM EDT
MRC's Philbin Has Anti-Gay Freakout Over "'Glee' On the Gridiron"
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Matt Philbin has a notable gay-bashing record: He turns a blind eye to anti-gay slurs, thinks a young boy with brightly painted toenails is "transgendered child propaganda," and he's opposed to gays or anyone who looks like they might be gay from being depicted in advertising.

Philbin takes his hatred and fear of gays to a new, silly level in a March 20 MRC Culture & Media Institute post, headlined "‘Glee’ on the Gridiron?" in which he fearmongers about the unmanly specter of openly gay athletes:

If liberals in the sports media have their way, your favorite sporting event will soon be a little more like an episode of “Glee.” Writers and talking heads at outlets from ESPN to NBC Sports are in a full-court press. They want to see openly gay athletes in American sports, no matter what it means for the games, the fans, or the athletes themselves.

Perhaps envious that their news colleagues get to cover – and advocate for – what a Washington Post reporter recently called “the civil rights issue of our time,” sports journalists have been long been obsessed with gay athletes. Commentator after commentator have taken to ESPN’s website to assure us “the issue of sports and homosexuality isn't going away,” to call a football player “intelligent and articulate athlete when he made a stand for gay rights,” and to wonder where the gay Jackie Robinson is.

Yes, it seems Philbin really thinks that, say, a single football player who makes his homosexuality public means the entire team will break out into show tunes on the field.

Philbin's level of thinking doesn't go far beyond that. He complains about how "CNN’s pro-gay bias is well established" -- actually, that's more about Philbin's fellow MRC employee Matt Hadro studiously documenting every time gays fail to be bashed on CNN -- then asserts that "bias is more like obsession when the network can’t do a sports interview one of the best pitchers in baseball (who lost the World Series in October) without bringing up – apropos of nothing – gay rights. But there was CNN’s Carol Costello asking Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander if he’d have problems playing with an openly gay teammate." But Philbin ignores that 1) the idea of gays in sports had been talked about in the media in previous months, and 2) Costello began the interview with an even more apropos-of-nothing question: Verlander's golf game.

It seems that the only person obsessed with homosexuality here is Philbin.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:05 AM EDT
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Aaron Klein Anonymous Source Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Aaron Klein dipped into his presumed retinue of untraceable, anonymous sources in honor of President Obama's trip to Israel this past week.

A March 20 article cited a "Palestinian official, who asked that his name be withheld" to claim that "In a conversation with the Palestinian Authority, a White House official apparently compared Israel’s Knesset, or parliament, to the gravesite of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat," claiming that "just as Obama won’t address the Knesset, which is a symbol of Israeli nationalism, so too he won’t visit the grave, a symbol of Palestinian nationalism."

The next day, Klein followed that up by claiming a "top PA negotiator" said that "Palestinian Authority leaders are disappointed with what they heard in a private meeting" with Obama.

Is there any reason readers should blindly trust Klein or his sources? No. Klein is an inveterate Obama-hater who, as we've noted, is using Palestinians' words against themto forward his own right-wing agenda> Further, he rarely uses named sources to advance his smears, which makes us "reporting" extremely suspect.

UPDATE: A March 24 WND article by Klein cites "a top Syrian official" and  "informed Mideast security officials" to claim that "It was the Syrian opposition and not the Syrian government behind the firing Sunday and yesterday at the Israeli border" and that "it appears the rebels are attempting to create a humanitarian crisis to precipitate the deployment of NATO to fight the Assad regime."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:07 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, March 24, 2013 2:13 PM EDT
Friday, March 22, 2013
CNS Cites Conspiracy Theorist To Fearmonger Over DHS Supposedly Hoarding Bullets

Gregory Gwyn-Williams Jr. buys into the government ammunition-hoarding conspiracy in a March 22 blog post, uncritrically repeating a claim that "the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has failed to respond to multiple members of Congress asking why DHS bought more than 1.6 billion rounds in the past year."

The link to back up his claim goes to Infowars, the notoriously conspiratorial website operated by conspiracy-monger Alex Jones. That suggests the level of credibility this little rumor has.

Gwyn-Williams is also wrong that DHS has never responded to questions about its ammuntion purchases. In January DHS responded to Republican Sen. Tom Coburn's questions, which he posted on his website. DHS states that , contrary to the rumor-mongering, it purchased 103 million rounds of ammo in fiscal year 2012, which is actually a smaller number than was purchased in the previous two years. Those rounds were accounted for for training and operational purchases.

But why should Gwyn-Williams care about facts when he was able to get a Drudge link -- as the top story, no less -- out of his post?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:56 PM EDT
WND Anti-Vaccine Fearmongering Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Garth Kant keeps up his anti-vaccine fearmongering in a March 20 article claiming that "the federal government has now paid almost $6 million to victims of the [HPV vaccine] shot – including at least two who died after receiving it."

As always, Kant fails to provide any meaningful context, such as the fact that more than 35 million doses of HPV vaccine have been administered, making such a settlement rate extraordinarily low. Kant also claims "thousands of adverse reactions" to the vaccine without mentioning that the vast majority of them are minor and the scary ones he lists -- "seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short-term memory loss, Guillain-Barré syndrome and even death" represent "no statistically significant increased risk" according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Kant also treats discredited claims that vaccines cause autism is true, even though the most prominent study making the link has retracted by the medical journal that published it.

Kant, by the way, is apparently a new WND writer. His WND bio claims "he spent five years writing, copy-editing and producing at "CNN Headline News," three years writing, copy-editing and training writers at MSNBC, and also served several local TV newsrooms as producer, executive producer and assistant news director. He is the author of the McGraw-Hill textbook, 'How to Write Television News.'"

The fact that Kant is no longer working in TV news but has descended to fearmongering at a bottom-feeding website strongly suggests he couldn't hack it in the big leagues and, like fellow real-media refugee Bob Unruh, decided to work at a "news" organization where things like truth and balance don't apply.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:32 PM EDT
ConWeb Latches Onto Misleading Claim About MSNBC
Topic: The ConWeb

The ConWeb readily embraced a too-good-to-check statistic from a Pew Research Center study of the media: that 85 percent of MSNBC's airtime is devoted to "opinion."

WorldNetDaily's Drew Zahn dishonestly rounded up the number to "nearly 90 percent" -- of course, it's equally near to 80 percent, but Zahn clearly didn't want to go there. Newsmax's Bill Hoffmann asserted, "If you’re looking for straight and unbiased news reporting, you may want to avoid MSNBC."

And the number was practically made for the Media Research Center, and indeed, Brent Bozell issued a snotty press release on the subject:

“Pick any Orwellian nickname you want: the Ministry of Truth, the Department of Agitation and Propaganda, but don’t dare call MSNBC a news organization. No legitimate news outlet spends 85% of its airtime pushing leftist commentary. Pravda would be proud.

“Both CNN and Fox News have close to a 50/50 news/commentary split. We have said time and time again that MSNBC in not a news network. Their absurd 15/85 split is a vindication of every single criticism we’ve leveled against them.

“MSNBC is a deeply unserious organization and should never have been placed under the ‘news’category on any cable system’s guide. They’ve Lean[ed] Forward right off the cliff of credibility. What a farce.”

Since that number was too good to check, the ConWeb couldn't be bothered to do one simple thing: find out how Pew made this determination.  Salon's Alex Pareene did:

That’s a bit of a misuse of the word “opinion,” which does not, in this case, refer to liberal punditry, but rather to all interviews and other segments that involve people talking instead of live reports or reported “packages.” That kind of programming is common because it’s cheap, and MSNBC and Fox do not actually pay many people to do “reporting” — they are cable “talking about the news” channels, basically. But don’t assume reported pieces are intrinsically superior to commentary. Some of that “opinion” programming is informative and useful in a way that live shots of, say, poop boats are decidedly not. And some of that programming is “Morning Joe,” the talking head equivalent of a poop boat.

It also overlooks the fact that, even though Pew gives Fox News credit for 45 percent of its content being "factual reporting," that does not equal unbiased reporting. Fox's ostensible "news" anchors are prone to spouting biased opinions, and it has a history of shortchanging the Obama administration on airtime.

But thte ConWeb doesn't care about facts, not when it has an official-sounding number.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:49 AM EDT
WND's Klein Peddles Zombie Lie To Link Obama, Alinsky
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily sure loves to tell lies long after they've been debunked.

The latest instance is a March 21 WND article by Aaron Klein, who asserts that Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals" is "dedicated" to Lucifer. It's not -- it's dedicated to "Irene." There is an "over-the-shoulder acknowlegement" to Lucifer for being "the first rebel," but it's not a dedication.

Klein also claims that President Obama's speech in Israel "channeled Saul Alinsky" by referring to "the world as it is" and "the world as it should be." While Klein quotes Alinsky making a similar reference, he offers no evidence that the concept originated with Alinsky -- meaning Klein is merely speculating that Obama was "channeling" Alinsky.

The rest of Klein's article is devoted to his usual guilt-by-association attempts to link Obama to Alinsky, along with descriptions of a fantasy version of Alinsky as described by David Horowitz.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:04 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:34 PM EST
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Noel Sheppard Endorses Ted Nugent Smearing People As 'Subhuman'
Topic: NewsBusters

We've documented how NewsBusters associate editor Noel Sheppard cares about political civility only when liberals are the ones who aren't being civil -- conservatives are allowed to be as incivil as they want to be.

He's at it again in a March 19 post, approvingly quoting Ted Nugent calling Michael Moore and Piers Morgan "subhuman punks" for for expressing their constitutionally protected opinions gun rights, even agreeing with Nugent that Moore's remarks in particular 'brings into question his humanity."

Sheppard also reiterated his one-man good cop/bad cop routine regarding Jay Leno's monologue in a March 20 post, complaining that he made a Dick Cheney joke:

Will Dick Cheney is evil jokes ever go out of style?


Now in fairness to Leno, he has been quite an equal opportunity offender in his monologues in recent months.

As NewsBusters readers are well aware, Leno's even been taking shots at President Obama.

My beef here is more with the sophomoric, almost archaic nature of the joke.

Cheney is too evil to be Satan? Isn't that political satire's penultimate "Been there, done that?"

Sheppard is being disingenuous -- he hates it when Leno jokes about a conservative.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:33 PM EDT
NEW ARTICLE: Goodbye, Les Kinsolving
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's biased, whine-prone White House reporter hangs it up. But don't worry -- we'll still be treated to his homophobic rants in his WND column. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 3:09 PM EDT
CNS Won't Blame Bush For Troops Killed In Iraq, But Want Him To Get Credit For War
Topic: has a lot of trouble admitting that thousands of American troops were killed in Iraq under President Bush, even as it runs monthly body counts of troops killed in Afghanistan under President Obama. But by golly, CNS wants to make sure Bush gets credit for killing Saddam Hussein!

A March 19 CNS article by Fred Lucas states:

President Barack Obama issued a statement today, the 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, that praised U.S. troops but did not mention President Bush’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003, and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, after being pressured by a reporter, only said there was a “causal relationship” between Bush’s decision to invade and Saddam’s ouster.

A reference to the American troops killed in Iraq comes only in quoting Obama noting "the nearly 4,500 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice to give the Iraqi people an opportunity to forge their own future after many years of hardship."

Lucas also endeavors to justify the war, claiming that "At the time, U.S. intelligence believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, as did many in the international community, including opponents of the U.S.-led invasion."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:20 PM EDT

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