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Monday, March 25, 2013
WND Brings Back More Anti-Obama Pseudo-Science
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily, it seems, is determined to grace its readers with more Obama-bashing thinly disguised as pseudo-science from self-proclaimed profiler Andrew G. Hodges.

Hodges' stenographer, Bob Unruh, gives us his latest psychological projection in a March 22 WND article:

In his newest analysis, he looks further into Obama’s statements in his press conference about the sequester issue in which he berated Republicans for not doing what he wants.

Hodges said “another spontaneous image” appeared from Obama’s “super intelligence.”

“Asked whether he couldn’t have pushed negotiations until a deal was reached, Obama replied, ‘I can’t have Secret Service block the doorway,’” Hodges explained

“He suggests the secret wish to block the Republicans from the door to the government. Failing to negotiate, he has made every effort to demonize/crush Republicans to gain total control of the government after the 2014 election. His ‘have Secret Service’ image further suggests a desire to totally control major government law enforcement agencies– to block any opposition,” Hodges said.

“The frightening image ‘of blocking the doorway’ to those who oppose him suggests progressively ideas of imprisonment/forced containment, and a picture of martial law. Extreme? Likely so for now but equally a potential major warning of his true intent – if everything fell into place,” he said.

But Hodges noted objective actions that fit the pattern, such as the government’s purchase of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, the estimated 145,000 federal agents with firearm- carry authority and the 65,000 agents for the Department of Homeland Security alone.


Hodges noted that even activists on the left have expressed concern. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the left-wing Code Pink, in a recent WABC radio interview with host Aaron Klein, called the potential abuse by the Obama administration’s huge domestic police power “extremely troubling.”

“Recall Obama’s earlier words which, importantly, he made spontaneously, strongly pointing toward an unconscious confession. ‘We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded [as the military].’

“What exactly was he thinking and why? Undeniably this was extreme: a civilian force just as well funded and strong as our military – implying majorly armed. The question is what exactly was Obama secretly confessing about his future plans? His unconscious super intelligence suggests a warning from a very dangerous Obama,” Hodges contends.

Hodges' not-so-secret anti-Obama agenda is all too clear as he once again puts the image of Obama that exists only in his fevered brain ahead of the facts. He apparently reads only WND, which seems to be where he picked up his fearmongering about the government hoarding ammunition and the zombie lie that Obama wants to create his own private army.

As before, Hodges is merely projecting his own hatred of Obama and/or throwing red meat to the rubes who hate Obama as much as he does. What does his so-called "ThoughtPrint decoding" say about that kind of chicanery?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:35 AM EDT

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