WorldNetDaily Reads Obama's MindWND touts self-proclaimed forensic profiler Andrew Hodges, whose pseudo-scientific method purports to uncover "secret" confessions in the president's words -- but merely reveals himself to be just another conspiratorial Obama-hater.By Terry Krepel In the latter stages of the 2012 presidential election, one of the sources of Obama-hate the increasingly discredited WorldNetDaily promoted was self-proclaimed forensic profiler Andrew G. Hodges. Hodges' gimmick is something he calls "ThoughtPrint decoding," which is essentially reading between the lines to arrive at conclusions. WND picked up Hodges' book "The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury," for sale in its online store -- surprisingly, WND did not publish this -- where Hodges' purported credentials are listed: He has identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J.'s "suicide note" to confirm he had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note to identify the child's killer. He decrypted letters from BTK to predict that he was about to kill again the only profiler to do so. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Natalee Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton's Lewinsky confession/apology on TV, revealing the awful pain which led to Clinton's self-sabotaging behavior. ![]() Andrew G. HodgesAnd thus, it appears that Hodges has glommed in a similar manner onto Obama. How does Hodges' book apply his gimmicky technique to Obama? By analyzing two of Obama's most important speeches and two heartfelt letters to his daughters, he delves into the president's unconscious and decodes his deeper messages. These communications originate from a part of the subconscious Hodges calls the "super intelligence" the amazing intuitive power hinted at in Malcolm Gladwell's book "Blink." It's a brilliant see-all, tell-all part of our minds. Here is Obama's whole story his deeper narrative. This is the kind of pseudo-science WND can get behind, especially when the predetermined conclusion is to bash Obama. And indeed, WND regularly promotes said conclusions. From a Sept. 15 article promoting Hodges' book: “Obama reveals the completely secret trauma that controls his life, resulting in his deep misguided fury expressed toward America,” writes Hodges. In other words: Hodge is hanging a bit of dubious science on the usual right-wing anti-Obama arguments, all while pretending that he himself is not pushing these fringe political views. Hodges wrote in an Oct. 1 WND column of Obama's purported "unconscious fury" as allegedly revealed in his inaugural address: Obama’s second father story was about how his foreign-born father in the past could not be served in a Washington, D.C., restaurant, suggesting Obama cannot serve or be seated as an illegal president. Once again, he links this story to a powerful constitutional reference: how all races should unite around our creed “the price of citizenship.” His super intelligence confesses he lacks citizenship requirements his illegal presidency is not about race. It appears that Hodges is unfamiliar with the concept of psychological projection, since that's exactly what he appears to be doing here by dressing up his own Obama-hate as pseudo-psychology. Hodges wrote in an Oct. 22 WND column cites Obama-haters Dick Morris and Joseph Farah as sources, which is further evidence of where he's coming from. He also purports to analyze Obama's behavior in the first presidential debate: Once more Obama confesses unconsciously that all along, even as a private citizen (and college student), he planned on playing by a different set of rules, which he has carried out as president. We could have predicted that he would get in yet another striking unconscious confession that he had violated the rule of law and by extension the Constitution as an illegal foreign-born president. In both his inauguration speech and his recent U.N. speech he repeatedly insisted how we must live by the Constitution as his deeper moral compass pointed to his guilt. So basically, Hodges is a birther, made clear in an Oct. 26 WND article by Bob Unruh, who touted Hodges' claim that Obama's performance in the third debate made him made him secretly confess to being a "secret foreigner who has passed himself off as American" in a reference to how China was dumping goods into the U.S. market: “The cheating foreigner first appears to have cheap American goods but (clarifying his slip) really the foreigner has cheap foreign goods. Read Obama doesn’t really have American goods, he has foreign goods cheap goods. A huge confession he has cheapened the presidency the secret foreigner who passed himself off as American. With his creative slip he tells us that he was a cheap foreign-born imitation of an American presidentconfessing to how he had specifically terrorized America,” he said. It seems that Hodges is projecting again. Unruh gave Hodges an opportunity at a last-minute pre-election hit at Obama with a Nov. 5 article: Barack Obama is driven in his political life by the idea of getting “revenge” against the United States for the slights and hurts he has felt, according to a forensic profiler who also has worked on the Natalie Holloway and O.J. Simpson cases. Of course, all of Hodges' pseudo-science didn't keep Obama from getting re-elected. But the pseudo-science didn't stop -- Unruh gives Hodges yet again free rein in a Nov. 24 article to claim that Obama was secretly "confessing to stealing the 2012 president election." How? Well, first, we have to sit through some right-wing boilerplate about purported voter fraud: In Hodges’ assessment: “Following Obama’s presidential reelection impressive findings have emerged pointing to a fraudulent election. A brief summary reveals precincts in Ohio and Pennsylvania reported greater than 100 percent of registered voters turned out to vote. In 100 precincts in Ohio Obama got 99 percent of the votes. Pennsylvania illegally removed GOP poll inspectors from voting locations. Computer irregularities in Pennsylvania (and elsewhere) reverted to a default Obama vote no matter who the voter selected.” And since claiming to be able to delve into Obama's subconscious by reading between the lines of Obama's words is Hodges' stock in trade, you can be sure that he will twist anything Obama says into his preconceived conclusion that he made a "confession." And that's exactly what Hodges does: “On election night after initial voting reports declared him the winner, Obama once more unconsciously pointed to a confession. Before his anxious and relieved supporters, Obama spoke of his pride in his daughters but commented, ‘But I will say this for now, one dog’s probably enough’ on the surface referring back to promising his daughters a puppy after his 2008 victory,” Hodges said. Meanwhile, one doesn't need "ThoughtPrint decoding" to read between the lines of Hodges' attacks on Obama. The hatred is palpable -- regurgitation of discredited birther and other anti-Obama theories that appears to be the result of Hodges projecting his personal disdain for the president rather than any mysterious reading between the lines. In contrast to the title of his book, Hodges' own anti-Obama fury isn't secret at all. And that makes him nothing more than just another unhinged Obama-hater who has found a home at WorldNetDaily. |