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Saturday, March 16, 2013
WND's Schilling Repeats Zombie Lie About Military Voting
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In the midst of the dubious pile of evidence Chelsea Schilling tosses out in a March 14 WorldNetDaily article as purported evidence that President Obama has "declare[d] war" on the U.S. military -- that phrase, by the way, appears in quotes in the headline but nowhere in the article -- this one stood out:

WND reported in August 2012 when the Obama re-election campaign sued Ohio state officials in an attempt to suppress, in that pivotal swing state, the votes of America’s military men and women – who traditionally lean conservative and vote Republican.

Schilling links to an August 2012 WND article by her boss, David Kupelian, as evidence for the claim.

One little problem: Kupelian was lying.

As we documented at the time, the goal of the lawsuit was to extend civilian early voting to that of the military, not reduce the military deadline to the existing civilian one. No military votes were suppressed, no matter how Kupelian tried to twist the truth.

Because Kupelian never bothered to correct his lie, Schilling -- who has her own lengthy record of falsehoods -- uncritically picked it up, thus making it a zombie lie, which WND is also fond of.

If Schilling is such a lazy reporter that she just copies-and-pastes WND's factually challenged attacks on Obama without bothering to check their accuracy (and, really, doesn't Schilling know how much WND has lied about Obama?), why trust anything else in that article?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:00 AM EDT

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