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Saturday, April 1, 2023
WND Columnist: Trump 'Imperfect' For Pushing COVID Vaccine, But Re-Elect Him Anyway
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Oh Donald, what are we going to do with you?

One might actually believe that former President Trump needs to "come clean" to get our full support, but it seems pretty unlikely. He isn't all that big on admitting his mistakes. Maybe it simply isn't possible. A handful of the righteous might honor an act of good conscience – but the rabid pack of leftist predators would turn his words into teeth with which to tear him to pieces.

We may love him. We may be grateful for the purposeful combativeness that led to the America First movement, as close to a national resurrection from near death as can be imagined. We may not think there is anyone better suited to fight the powers of darkness without being compromised from without. He is happily too rich to be bought. But can we look without seeing a man already compromised from within? A man who is still bragging about the vaccine that "saved millions"?

It didn't. There isn't just a question of troubling "baggage." God help him, but he stands at the front of an endless procession of hearses.

Trump got played. He got steered into a partnership with the devil, masquerading as Tony Fauci & Company. The maniacs who had sought that one chink in his armor had finally reached their epiphany. It's been noted that he is something of a germaphobe, whose concern for the well-being of the electorate is paramount.. So, they hooked him into panic porn along with the rest of us. They set the stage to maximize the death count, both real and pretended.


Did the president grasp that, by law, no vaccine could gain "emergency approval" if there were effective alternative treatments? Did he cease and desist in suggesting any such alternatives when it was made clear that they might render his cherished OWS moot? Did he invite the Frontline Doctors into the White House for further discussion when they proclaimed their treatments successes from the Capitol steps? Did he object to their being slandered and silenced by the national media? Did Dr. Scott Atlas really get his attention? Did Donald Trump really perform his due diligence?

Do we need to become "Never-Trumpers" to ask these questions? Or do we need to address these issues as we might with a beloved family member? "Dammit, Donald, you can do better!" Can we see in Trump a man of magnificent accomplishment, however dreadfully imperfect?

Do we need to ask who else is there who might actually be able to turn the tide against our approaching national annihilation?

Our prayer must be that in 2024 the fear of God (and/or of a righteously enraged electorate) might caution the cheaters and frauds just enough that the awakening giant of patriotic America may finally begin to prevail.


Trump the Imperfect is the perfectly singular instrument for an America First victory. He knows how deep the rots goes, and he knows it in his gut. All the better to maintain the triumph, we pray God is willing, when we have risen to join him, to fight for him.

And to reelect him.

-- Jim Darlington, Feb. 23 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:45 AM EDT

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