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Saturday, October 8, 2022
Farah's WND Publishes Article Attacking His Estranged Daughter
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The last time we checked in on familial strife in the Farah household, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah declared that he was not invited to the wedding of his daughter Alyssa. Things apparently haven't gotten any better, because Farah's WND republished an article attacking his daughter. A Sept. 5 article was a repost of a Fox News article bashing Alyssa after becoming an official co-host of "The View":

New "The View" co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin said Monday she hopes to represent former President Trump's voters in the ABC show's Republican seat, although she has become one of his staunchest critics and hopes he never returns to the White House.

"I'm a millennial and I worked in the Trump administration," she said on ABC's "Good Morning America" in a segment previewing the show's upcoming season. "I've also since criticized the former president, but I still want to be a voice for the 74 million Americans who voted for him, and kind of tell them, from my experience, here's why I won't support him again, but here's what a future Republican Party can and should look like. So that's really what I'm hoping to meet the audience with."

Griffin held a number of key positions in the Trump administration, including Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, Pentagon press secretary and White House communications director. Griffin resigned in December 2020, expressing pride in her time in the administration in her departing letter. Since Trump left office, Griffin has spoken out strongly against his stolen 2020 election rhetoric and become one of many Republican critics of Trump with lofty media perches.

The article -- co-written by Gabriel Hays, formerly of the Media Research Center -- went on  to complain that Farah Griffin and a fellow new arrival, fellow conservatrive Ana Navarro, "are hardly reflective of their fellow party members, which polls show remain broadly supportive of Trump." Hays and co-writer David Rutz went on to complain that "Since Trump left office, Griffin has spoken out strongly against his stolen 2020 election rhetoric and become one of many Republican critics of Trump with lofty media perches." 

Interestingly, neither the Fox News article nor the WND excerpt of it mentioned that Farah Griffin is the Joseph Farah's daughter. It's a subtle underbusing that Joseph Farah did of his own daughter, but it's an unmistakable one all the same.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:43 AM EDT

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