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Saturday, September 3, 2022
MRC Shows Obama Derangement, Springsteen Derangement In Same Post
Topic: Media Research Center

Last year, the Media Research Center had a meltdown over former president Barack Obama doing a podcast with music legend Bruce Springsteen, demonstrating its employees' deeply endemic case of Obama Derangement Syndrome has gone unabated and untreated. And the derangement continues: When Obama and Springsteen appeared on CBS to promote their podast, Kevin tober was the designated melter-downer in a July 24 post that took shots at both of them:

CBS Sunday Morning sat down with former President Barack Obama and rock star Bruce Springsteen for a chummy interview with the two leftists to promote their podcast. It was as gushy and pathetic as you might expect.

Introducing the segment, host Jane Pauley swooned: “each of them can legitimately claim to be the boss. Anthony Mason is talking with former President Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen.” 

CBS correspondent Anthony Mason visited the two of them at Springsteen’s New Jersey farm which he hypocritically uses as a tax write-off in order to pay less taxes while simultaneously lecturing Americans on “paying their fair share.” 


Later on in the interview, Mason attempted a return to reality by moving on from Obama and Springsteen’s bromance to ask how he's "feeling about the midterms and how the President is doing?” 

Obama insisted he thinks “Joe Biden is pursuing the exact policies that need to be pursued.” 

Hedging a bit, he added “has he been able to bridge the polarization that we’ve seen building up over several decades now? No. And in fairness to him, I wasn't able to slow that down as much as I would have liked, and certainly my successor, you know, actively promoted it.” 

Instead of Mason jumping in and telling Obama that he was a major cause of the polarization that occurred during his administration, he let Obama act like he was above the fray.


Springsteen ended by claiming “we can be momentarily polarized, but at the end of the day, history is moving on.” 

The fact that Obama and Springsteen are going to solve our nation’s “polarization” is laughable. If Anthony Mason was a real reporter he would’ve pointed that out.

If Tober was an honest writer, he'd admit that the mission of his employer is to increase and exploit political polarization while blaming others for causing it and taking no responsibiliy for its role in trying to lessen it. Instead, he demonstrates that he not only has Obama Derangement Syndrome but Springsteen Derangement Syndrome as well.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:00 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 3, 2022 1:17 PM EDT

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