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Thursday, August 19, 2021
WND Gets On GETTR, Hides Its Extremism And Insecurity
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily proudly declared in an anonymously written July 15 article:

In just 11 days, the new social media site GETTR already has 1.5 million users – and WND is one of the news sites now posting its best stories and commentaries.

The platform's CEO is former Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller, and it has gained quick traction among supporters of the 45th president.

According to the Washington Examiner, a recent poll found that two-thirds of Republicans who have heard of GETTR are either on the site already or planning to sign up.


Launched on the Fourth of July, GETTR is one of the leading new social media sites pledging to counter Twitter and Facebook by promising to be a place where free thought and freedom of speech are honored.


As one of the first news sites to be flagged and shadow banned by Facebook and victimized by Google's biased search algorithms, WND is pleased to join the GETTR community. Sign up at and then be sure to follow WNDNews.

What you won't hear much about at WND, however, is all the problems WND has had with security and extremist content. A week before this announcement, WND did publish an article noting that GETTR had been "attacked by hackers" -- bnut even that article didn't cover the full extent of GETTR's early problems, which -- as we've noted -- also included security issues, typos on the app store pages for the app, and allowing a "Hitler" account.

Also, it turns out that that early user number WND touted was a lie. According to a report from the Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center (h/t Wonkette),  GETTR didnt' actually reach 1.5 million users until the first week of August. In addition, not only is GETTR filled with pornography, Islamic terrorists have accounts there and post videos of beheadings. WND has reported on exactly none of this.

There's the "free speech" website you wanted, WND. Enjoy!

Posted by Terry K. at 5:42 PM EDT

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