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Thursday, May 6, 2021
WND Still Pushing 'Great Reset' Conspiracy-Mongering
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The term "Social Justice" suggests high principles that have lured many naive but well intentioned people to embrace it. The false promise of a "Great Reset" suggests the ideal of a "Jubilee" that wipes out global debt and gives the world a new start. But in reality "Social Justice" is class warfare pitting the poor-to-middle-class against the lower strata of "the rich," and the "Great Reset" is a ploy to establish a global China-style Marxist economy marrying communism and predatory corporatism. Both strategies serve only the ultra-rich – the ones the street-level Marxists never seem to target, and the populist conservatives always unthinkingly defend in their unexamined, reductionist definition of "capitalism."

-- Scott Lively, March 22 WorldNetDaily column

Two "Great Reset" buttons are now before each one of us. The world did not ask for this choice; it almost never does. The way things have always been, love them or hate them, is nearly always our first choice. We just keep plugging along, doing what we've always done, hoping that maybe, just maybe, next time everything will turn out better.


The button itself may have originated while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state under Obama, during the time we thought she was just reading emails while sitting on the toilet with her private server. Russia's foreign minister seemed amused when she presented him the first button, but probably not for the reasons Hillary assumed.

Considerable information has been uncovered about what the opalescent white button might do once pushed. The world's economy will be "reset"; communism (the favored elitist system) will be ushered in as a one-world government; and our tech overlords will provide monthly subsistence payments to cover the cost of housing, food and the psychological drugs needed to overcome the side effects of worldwide communism.


The first button, opalescent and captivating, is the product of billionaires who have been allowed to accumulate vast wealth, because the Creator wanted to see how they would use it. Broadly speaking they each had two choices: Greed, or generosity. Greed worships self and makes for an ugly world; generosity considers others and their needs first, and makes for a beautiful world. The Bible paints a simple picture: "By their fruits you will know them." You can decide which path the world's wealthiest people have chosen.

The second button's solid gold construction speaks of a Creator who controls both the natural and supernatural, who has resources without limit, and who seeks to dispense these resources to those He has come to know and trust within a love relationship.


The Bible refutes the watchmaker theory of the universe: the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ refutes it, and the existence of two Great Reset buttons now before us refutes it. If God were not actively involved, there would only be the one button, and mankind would be relegated to the role of white mice in their experimental laboratories, while they remake us to serve them.

God wants to conduct the Great Reset. Push the solid gold button. The tech billionaires want not only your body today, they want your soul tomorrow. Don't give it to them.

-- Craige McMillan, April 2 WND column

A counter-Vatican conference "Truth Over Fear" will air live to combat the globalist "Great Reset" agenda being promoted by Pope Francis. Patrick Coffin told War Room his online summit will expose the "tyranny in plain sight" surrounding the covid-19 pandemic. "Our Conference Truth Over Fear is going to give you natural and supernatural immunity to the real virus summit, which is the one put on the Vatican."

"It's not just a garbage event they're holding, ... Chelsea Clinton, Tony Fauci, the CEOs of Moderna and Pfizer, the noted virologist Joe Perry from the Aerosmith medical group. This is a rogues gallery of people on the wrong side of history."

The conference will feature a Holocaust survivor, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, and others on the left, right, and center who will expose the tyranny the world faces.

-- April 23 WND article via Pandemic War Room

(WND has promoted the "Great Reset" conspiracy theory before.)

Posted by Terry K. at 5:26 PM EDT

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