Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has a raging case of Biden Derangement Syndrome. Let's see how that's been manifesting lately, shall we?
Events are spiraling out of control.
No one can pretend they don't see it.
The president has cognitive shortcomings. Have we seen another president who is confused about who actually commands the post? Is it Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he has referred to several times as "President Harris."
The fall outside Air Force One was unlike the late President Gerald Ford's comic stumble a generation ago. No one doubted Ford was prepared to execute the oath of the most important office in the world. There was no comparison to President Donald J. Trump's shaky walk as he descended a ramp at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. That incident led to conjecture by the press about Trump being ill and suffering from Parkinson's disease. More than likely, the ramp was just slippery.
It's time to stop pretending that everything is all right with Joe Biden.
Everything is not all right.
He's 78 now – older than any other president.
As Dr. [Ronny] Jackson has said, candidly, "Something's not right!" What's happening is very wrong. And it's not Joe Biden's fault alone.
Who choreographed the 2020 campaign of secrecy? Who kept Biden stashed away, in hiding, for weeks at time – every word uttered put in his mouth through a teleprompter. Still he had problems, lost his place, couldn't tell where he was.
-- March 22
After only two months, it's time to call Joe Biden the worst president of all time – and it's not even close.
The latest gambit: The White House said it will consider spending $3 trillion on boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions and narrowing economic inequality, beginning with a giant infrastructure plan.
This will be the greatest spending boondoggle ever. It’s a total waste! Even what it promises is a waste – and these are Biden’s simple words.
Boosting the economy? Biden wouldn’t even know how. Carbon emission? It will not make the climate warmer or cooler – whatever the plan.
It's a fairy tale for kids and grownups. For narrowing economic inequality? Sounds like more wealth redistribution schemes. A giant infrastructure plan? Biden simply cannot be trusted with anything called giant.
-- March 23
He lost his train of thought, assuming he had one. He forgot some of the questions that were asked. He continually flipped through a notebook, strange to see among past commanders in chief, and read prepared answers.
What an ugly scene was Joe Biden's first presidential press conference.
It was not an impressive performance.
Although he did respond to a question about whether he will seek a second term.
He said he expects to but that the future is never certain. He's already 78 you know, the oldest president ever.
"My plan is to run for reelection. That's my expectation," Biden said, speaking in the East Room of the White House.
Pressed to elaborate, Biden walked back his 2024 musings a bit.
"I'm a great respecter of fate. I've never been able to plan four and a half, three and a half years ahead for certain," he said.
Biden lacked even one memorable remark in a tedious, hour-long non-event. No kidding. I had to watch it!
-- March 25
Joe Biden is not just trying to fix the future of all U.S. elections, he's ruining the all-American sport of baseball to do it!
Joe Biden called it, inexplicably, the second coming of Jim Crow.
There was a time I thought about Joe Biden as just a rube – a dishonest, venal, unscrupulous man. I overrated him. Anybody who can lie like that is beneath contempt.
-- April 5