Topic: Newsmax
Last year, Newsmax heavily promoted a book by right-wing activist David Horowitz, "Dark Agenda," devoting numerous articles to promoting it and its author. What Newsmax rarely did, however, was disclose that it published the book through its publishing arm, Humanix Books.
Horowitz has a new book ou, "Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win" -- you'd think that a someone who claims to be a Jew, he'd be a tad more sentive to the Nazi-esque links to a word like "Blitz" -- and Newsmax is giving it and Horowitz a promotional push starting last month:
- David Horowitz to Newsmax TV: Flynn Case 'Failed Coup D'etat'
- David Horowitz to Newsmax TV: Media Outlets Encouraging Riots
- David Horowitz to Newsmax TV: Democrats Have 'Ginned Up Race War'
- David Horowitz to Newsmax TV: Dems 'Ferment' Civil War
But as with the earlier book, "Blitz" is published by Humanix, and in none of these articles did Newsmax disclose that it published the book and the author it's promoting in "news" articles.
That's called a conflict of interest, and responsible journalism demands that such conflicts be disclosed. Newsmax hasn't done that.