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Monday, May 20, 2019
WND Seems Pleased A Gay Journalist Killed Himself
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily devoted a May 7 article to this:

A white journalist, actor and director who drew a following on Twitter by attacking “whiteness” and President Trump killed himself Saturday evening.

Pieter Bosch Botha, 34, also known as Pieter Howes, died at the Sandton hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa, after a battle with depression, reported the South African TV industry website TeeVeeTee.

Never heard of him? Neither have we. WND's article is little more than a rewrite of a piece on the man published by something called Information Liberation, which has been described as an extreme-right operation known for publishing false and misleading information -- which tells you how decimated the news side of WND is these days in his current financial crisis. (WND calls Information Liberation an "independent news and commentary site.")

WND, though, weirdly focuses on Howes' sex life, calling him a "gay white journalist" in the headline and inexplicably making the article's lead image a tweet from Howes' wedding -- even though his sexuality is irrelvant to anything in the story.

WND seems to want you to think that Howes killed himself because he was gay -- and maybe that he deserved to die. There's really no other logical explanation we can think of that would cause WND to play up his sexual orientation.

Of course, WND hates journalists as much as it hates people who are gay, so it can be credibly argued that it's pleased by this development.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:35 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 20, 2019 12:55 AM EDT

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