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Tuesday, December 11, 2018
WND's Farah: Climate Change Is Man-Made ... Because God Is Punishing Man
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has a, shall we say, unique interpretation of the causes of climate change in his Nov. 25 column:

Black Friday turned into an indictment of carbon dioxide and a warning of dire consequences for the U.S. economy in a report from the Global Change Research Program, which affirmed government conclusions that there is “no convincing alternative explanation” for climate change than human activities, especially greenhouse gases.

“The global average temperature is much higher and is rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced, and this warming trend can only be explained by human activities,” said David Easterling, director of the technical support unit at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.

It was reported all over the media, if possibly overshadowed by the record-breaking post-Thanksgiving sales numbers. America’s cultural institutions are all in for catastrophic climate change. Those who are skeptical are often referred to in academia and within the Democratic Party as “deniers” – suggesting man-made global warming is now a secular article of faith.

On the other hand, surveys show most evangelical Christians dismiss the issue in one of three ways: A liberal hoax, a hypothesis based on flawed science, or an affront to the concept of human existence based on God’s intelligent design.

But is it possible both sides are wrong?

Are Christians not giving their God enough credit?

Does God actually guard jealously His sovereign ability to bless or curse His creation on the basis of humanity’s spiritual health and obedience?

This is why I unequivocally believe in man-caused climate change – because God tells us He uses it to keep us coming back to His ways.

So forceful is God on this point that He characterizes his watchful eye on the climate as “My doctrine,” in Deuteronomy 32:2.

With all you’ve seen, heard and read about climate change in the last 30 years, how about just considering the possibility that God’s still “got the whole world in His hand?” And how about considering still that some of the plagues we’ve all witnessed in recent years – from catastrophic storms, devastating earthquakes and raging wildfires – represent what God clearly explains in His Word as an effort to ensure you do not “perish quickly from off the good land which the Lord giveth you?” (Deuteronomy 11:17)

Who needs science? Not Farah, apparently. And it's funny how he laments that people who reject climate science are called "deniers" -- just before he outlines how "most evangelical Christians dismiss the issue" by, you know, denying it.

After a biblical deep dive, Farah got a little clearer toward the end of his column:

God not only controls the weather as a principal means of reigning in our behavior for our own good, He holds the entire universe together – all of Creation. He does so because He loves us and wants us to have the chance to be His children for eternity – but only if we love and obey Him and His Son Jesus the Messiah, the one and only Redeemer and Mediator between God and man.

Is our planet actually dying, as some scientists suggest? About that, they are correct. That’s the nature of our fallen planet. Yet God is going to bring it back to perfection.

One thing is for certain: God’s going to shut heaven again. When you see it happen, don’t blame carbon dioxide. Blame man’s disobedience of God’s ways, and get down on your knees in humility and pray for forgiveness.

We're not aware that Farah has ever dropped to his knees and prayed for forgiveness from God for disobeying His ways by using WND as a vehicle for peddling lies about Barack Obama and Seth Rich, among others.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:14 PM EST

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