Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie has been suffering from Obama Derangment Syndrome for years now. It's so bad that less than a year ago he had to make up the fact that Larry Sinclair was dead to resuscitate Sinclair's fraud that he had gay sex with Obama. (Sinclair is very much alive, and also a convicted criminal.)
So it's with no small sense of irony that the Obama-crazed Massie dedicates his Oct. 8 WND column to blaming Obama for the current era of political craziness. He starts off by insisting that Bill Ayers is "Obama's BFF" and ranting about 1960s radicalism. And the craziness begins:
Obama sycophants deny he is a creation of the aforementioned period. I argue this is the reason for his attempted deconstruction of America. It is also “the” reason he refused to make the single greatest unifying difference in American history. Obama used his skin color as currency or a bludgeon depending upon the situation. He could have in one speech ended the skin-color divide in America. Instead he spent eight years in the White House prostituting every opportunity to advance the idea that America is a racist nation. He used his skin color as a political weapon to silence and intimidate his enemies.
He could have single-handedly put an end to militant anarchy witnessed during Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation process. Instead he elected to exacerbate what was already a seething caldron of loutish neo-Leninist Mohocks who are committed to the overthrow of our constitutional government.
As president he manufactured a Cloward-Piven dystopia that was spread like an airborne disease in the classrooms of his neo-Leninist ideological fraternity kinsman who masquerade as college/university professors nationwide. This explains why Obama spent so much of his time giving speeches on college campuses and fundraising in Hollywood.
The students are gullible and already brainwashed by the teachers inculcating them with hatred and anarchism. Hollywood’s contribution has been to give Obama massive amounts of money while simultaneously producing movies and programs that are laced with depictions of overthrowing government.
Thus, in eight years of Obama as president and the two years since he has left office, we’ve seen rage, protest and anarchy on a scale not witnessed since the early 1970s.
When we examine the Christine Blasey Fords, the Julie Swetnicks, those like Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr, and former New York Times reporter Ali Watkins and her lover James A. Wolfe, who corrupted the constitutional process as a Senate Intelligence Committee aide, et al. – it’s easy to understand why Obama is responsible for the “deep state” and why the anarchistic zealots referred to as the mainstream “fake news” media all think alike and accuse alike.
Ergo, the answer to “where do crazies like Christine Ford and Ali Watkins come from” is: They are the progeny and/or creation of the culture Obama represents.
It's doubly ironic for Massie to rant about Obama having allegedly "used his skin color as a political weapon" when Massie himself has for years used his black-conservative privilege to get away with sounding like a white supremacist.