Topic: WorldNetDaily
Jack Cashill sure knows how to pick 'em.
In addition to his longtime affection for murderers who kill people he doesn't like, the WorldNetDaily columnist has been on a roll this year in defending more people who arguably don't deserve it.
Cashill's latest subject is Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, who's currently embroiled in a scandal in which he is alleged to have blackmailed a mistress. He spends his April 10 column lashing out at the prosecuting attorney for "playing almost exclusively to the media" and trying to poke holes in the mistress' account of the affair. "The case against Missouri Republican Gov. Eric Greitens is almost as pathetic as the case against Donald Trump, but those who consume the state’s mainstream media do not know this and may never know it," Cashill huffed.
Unfortunately for Cashill, his column came out around the same time a report commissioned by the Republican-controlled Missouri legislature came out ofering vivid details of the coercive, abusive relationship. The woman gave sworn testimony to the bipartisan legislative committee, which found her credible. Greitens refused to participate in the committee's investigation and he denounced its findings.
Hey, at least Cashill does concede that the affair did occur and that "Greitens has admittedly done enough wrong, at least by Republican standards, that a resignation would not be out of order." So that's something.