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Monday, April 16, 2018
Parkland Student Derangement Syndrome
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jesse Lee Peterson kicked off his March 25 WorldNetDaily column with a screed against the Parkland high school studentsand the March For Our Lives they led:

The wicked have successfully brainwashed many young people to believe in phony problems and false solutions. Now they’re using children to take away our rights and freedoms.

These people support the evil that created the problems, and their “solutions” will only ever make things worse, because evil grows and does not stop until people of good stop it.

Blind people participated in “March for Our Lives” around the country, a well-coordinated effort to get rid of the Second Amendment. These people hate God and men. They pretend to be for women and children, but hurt them too; they exploit emotions, imitate logic and put people on an ego trip, motivating them to do wrong.

Underage students recently participated in a “National School Walkout” against gun rights, organized by the “youth wing” of the radical Women’s March, a pro-abortion movement supported by taxpayer-funded, baby-killing giant Planned Parenthood.

Over the weekend, indoctrinated high schoolers like David Hogg, Cameron Kasky and Emma Gonzalez, whose parents don’t love them, preached gun control, promoted by activist fake-news media. Their parents turned them over to liberalism. They’ve been paid big money to march in Washington, D.C., by the wicked Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Obama-fanatic George Clooney and top Hollywood leftist Jeffrey Katzenberg. They’re also supported by self-important celebrities like Justin Bieber, Alyssa Milano, Amy Schumer, John Legend, Jimmy Fallon and the wolves in sheep’s clothing, Moms Demand Action.

Peterson is so filled with hatred for people who believe things he doesn't agree with that he actually went into old-man-yells-at-cloud mode to express his hate personally:

During the National School Walkout, I drove by a group of students protesting against our rights. One car in front of me honked in support. I rolled down my window and gave the kids “thumbs down.” I shouted at them, “You stupid idiots! You don’t know what you’re doing! Go back to class!” The dumb kids surrounded my car, and one girl ran up and hit my arm. Police allowed me to move along.

That's how filled with hate Peterson is. Then again, being a reasonable person doesn't get you a WND column.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:05 PM EDT

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