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Sunday, April 1, 2018
Newsmax's Kerik Sneers At 'Ignorant, Entitled, and Disrespectful Brats' At March For Our Lives
Topic: Newsmax

Bernard Kerik -- the disgraced former New York City police chief and convicted felon whom, for some reason, Newsmax has graced with its own column -- is back to whine about those meddling kids taking part in last weekend's March For Our Lives:

Saturday as I watched the charade of marches against gun violence in Washington, D.C., I felt this overwhelming regret for the American people and our country.

Instigated and propped up by the political left and mainstream media, the march’s leaders were a group of ignorant, arrogant, and disrespectful teenagers, many below the age of eighteen. I watched an interview where one of these children, David Hogg, publically degraded and mocked his own parents in a vial diatribe, acting as a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.


Those kids are living examples of ignorant, entitled, and disrespectful brats whose views of this great country have been created by social media, Hollywood and the music industry, and a lack of parental, historical, and educational guidance. Sadly, many of the same traits responsible for violence, bullying, and yes… shootings in our schools.

Although most of the protesters were not old enough to remember or even know this: 50 years ago, hand guns and rifles were far more prevalent than they are today, and there were far less restrictions on how and who could purchase, possess or carry guns of any kind.


A blind man could see that Saturday’s march against gun violence was nothing more than an anti-Trump, anti-NRA rally, and sadly, anti-American rally. Of the thousands of signs, not one focused on the real cause of the Parkland massacre. I didn’t see one sign calling out the Broward County Sheriff’s department for their failed management and response, or the FBI, for their grave errors that unfortunately led to the shooting.


The kiddie protesters don’t get it and it’s unfortunate that their parents or a grown up with some common sense hasn’t taught them history or prepared them for the real world. These are the same kids that bawled over Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss and needed psychological counseling.

These kids don’t know the difference between an AR-15, M-16, M-4, or a hunting rifle. They don’t care that the statistics refute their arguments for stricter gun laws, Chicago being one example, and the fact that 98 percent of all mass shootings occur in gun free zones. As for the hatred for the NRA, just an FYI, not one of the mass shootings were done by an NRA member.

These are high school aged kids that the Democratic Party, mainstream media, and Hollywood have believing that they are the answer to a liberal socialist movement in this country, and I’m not sure what’s more frightening… their ignorance or naiveté, or the fact that the Democratic Party and members of the U.S. Congress have turned over their pulpit to a bunch of children.

It’s not the guns or gun laws that’s the problem, it’s a lack of discipline and respect for law and order, and an increasing society of self-entitled kids brain washed by everything and everyone but their parents. That’s what we need to address and be prepared for, because until that changes, school safety will be the least of America’s problems.

Does someone who spent years in prison for corruption really have the moral standing to criticize the behavior of others?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:33 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, April 1, 2018 11:43 AM EDT

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