Topic: WorldNetDaily
Alicia Powe devotes an Aug. 10 WorldNetDaily article to complaining that people are calling President Trump names regarding his heated rhetoric against North Korea. The headline on Powe's article: "Trump 'unhinged,' 'reckless,' 'bombastic,' psychopath."
Funny thing, though: Those are all insults WND has hurled at President Obama.
- "Seven years of Obama’s compulsive lies and deceit combined with his casual indifference about criminals, terrorists and contagious diseases crashing our border, not to mention his laxness toward Islamonazi slaughter of innocents and destruction of world heritage, indicate a mind unhinged from reality." -- Howard Carter, Feb. 6, 2015
- "Yes, he's been unhinged for a while, but his latest actions and rhetoric show he's totally losing it." -- Choice of 13% of respondents to the WND poll question "Is President Obama becoming mentally unstable?" July 13, 2014
- "Obama's reckless, quixotic fantasies" -- headline of David Limbaugh column, March 4, 2011
- “This confirms what I have said all along: President Obama was engaged in the same reckless conduct as then-Secretary Clinton: engaging in exchanges of highly sensitive information — information that is presumptively classified under the president’s own executive order — over a non-secure, non-government system.”-- Andrew McCarthy, Oct. 14, 2016
- "Obama’s reckless spending and fiscal policies have added more to the national debt than most U.S. presidents combined[.]" -- Chuck Norris, Aug. 12, 2012
- "Obama’s reckless disregard for American lives should have resulted in his being impeached by now." -- Mychal Massie, June 20, 2016
- He becomes more reckless and defiant as his second term comes to an end. Never has an American president been so absorbed with the use and abuse of power, and unfortunately, he still has seven months to go. What is next?" -- James Dobson, May 30, 2016
- "If the American people are going to have any hope of reversing Obama’s bombastic plot he described as 'fundamentally transforming the United States,' that will have to begin in the classroom." --Alex Newman, April 12, 2015
- "Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected. They get away with actions that others in their positions haven’t, because of their ability to remain calm even when committing atrocities, and their ability to manipulate whole groups of people. Obama has taken more luxury vacations than any other president, and he has done so as the American economy was in collapse for his policies. ... No one knew that Pol Pot, Hitler or Ceausescu were psychopaths until they knew. Could America be more perceptive, more insightful, more predictive of a psychopath in leadership before it is too late?" -- Gina Loudon, April 6, 2014
- "Ben Carson, an emerging presidential candidate for the Republican Party, was captured in an unguarded moment by a GQ reporter calling President Obama a 'psychopath' for the seeming ease with which he lies to the American public." -- Cheryl Chumley, March 24, 2015
- "I have recognized Obama as a psychopath for months. Rush needs to use the label psychopath." -- Marlene Gantt, Nov. 18, 2014
- Paraphrasing the email, [Michael] Savage said that what German Chancellor Angela Merkel is 'doing to Germany, what the weakling is doing to England, what the socialist is doing to France, what Obama the psychopath is doing to America, will render this country non-existent in less than 50 years.'" -- Oct. 22, 2015
In other words, Powe is just projecting -- complaining that others are calling Trump the exact same things WND has called Obama.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:19 AM EDT