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Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Conflict of Interest: Newsmax Doesn't Disclose It Published Horowitz Book It's Promoting
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax has been touting the new pro-Trump book by David Horowitz, "Big Agenda":

  • A Jan. 12 article promotes the book as "the first major book to be released on Trump's presidency (release date January 17), and reveals major components of his "first 100 days" plan and first-term agenda."
  • A Jan. 18 column by John Gizzi claimed that "Author David Horowitz's new book 'Big Agenda: Trump's Plan to Save America' drew fire from White House Spokesman Josh Earnest on Tuesday," asserting that the book was "already topping the best-seller lists
  • A Jan. 19 article highlights how Horowitz's book "released just this week, reveals Trump's 'first 100 days strategy' to roll back Obama's legislative and executive record."
  • A Jan. 20 article proclaimed Horowitz as "author of the just-released bestseller, 'Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save America.'"(If it's just released, how can it already be a "bestseller"?)
  • That same dubious claim is made in another Jan. 20 article on Horowitz.
  • A Jan. 27 article regurgitates a Daily Caller review of the book claiming the book explains "how America will change for the better under the leadership of the nation's 45th president."
  • A Feb. 1 article touts a Newsmax TV special on the book.

Only two of these articles mentioned the book's publisher, Humanix; the Jan. 12 article claimed Humanix "also offered the #1 bestselling book on the 2016 campaign with its 'Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary.'"

None of these articles, however, mention that (as we've documented) Humanix Books is owned by Newsmax.

That's a fairly serious conflict of interest, though one it's done before in promoting "Armageddon," written by disgraced right-wing pundit Dick Morris.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:19 PM EST

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