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Friday, July 15, 2016
WND Reporter Proves Himself A Liar
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh begins a July 12 WorldNetDaily article by asserting:

A new report released by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations concludes the Obama administration funded an effort to overthrow Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, one of America’s closest and most ardent allies.

The investigation concerned about $350,000 in grants given by the United States to a group called OneVoice to “support peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.”

The organization pursued that goal but later used the grant money to campaign against Netanyahu, with whom President Obama had been at odds.

But the rest of Unruh's article disproves that assertion. Unruh quotes the report as saying the following:

  • "The subcommittee found no evidence that OneVoice spent grant funds to influence the 2015 Israeli elections."
  • "OneVoice Israel fully complied with the terms of its State Department grants."
  • "OneVoice’s use of government-funded resources for political purposes was not prohibited by the grant agreement because the State Department placed no limitations on the post-grant use of those resources."

That's right -- two assertions by Unruh are lies: the Obama administration did not fund OneVoice's campaign against Netanyahu, and OneVoice did not use grant money to do so.

Unruh is mad that OneVoice used the infrastructure paid for with the grant money for its anti-Netanyahu campaign -- which, by the way, was not an "overthrow" attempt. It was part of the 2015 Israeli election process, as we pointed out when WND editor Joseph Farah told these exact same lies when the election was going on.

Even the headline of Unruh's article -- "Obama funded secret strategy to oust Netanyahu" -- is a lie. It was so "secret," apparently, that it didn't even happen.

The fact that WND will tell lies about a report detailing the exact opposite of what it's claiming is just another reason WND has no credibility.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:31 AM EDT

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