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Thursday, October 24, 2013
Noel Sheppard's Double Standard on Double Standards
Topic: Newsmax

Noel Sheppard uses an Oct. 24 NewsBusters post to rage against Daily Beast contributor and comedian Dean Obeidallah, who dared to respond to criticism of his tweet that he hoped "Ted Cruz and John McCain settle their feud in an Aaron Burr-Alexander Hamilton style duel":

The First Amendment is supposed to apply to everyone in our society. Unfortunately, what we have seen - particularly in the last six or seven years - is that it applies more to liberals than conservatives.

Liberal politicians and pundits - such as Obeidallah - can write and say whatever they want with total impunity.

Joe Biden can make clearly racist remarks and be excused for them. So can Harry Reid.

Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher can make misogynistic comments with narry a concern that it might impact their livelihood.

Alec Baldwin can go on a homophobic tirade and rather than losing his position as spokesman for Capital One actually get rewarded with his own show on MSNBC.

But if you're a conservative, and you make such comments, you'll be required to apologize and even that might not save your job.

Heck, if you're a conservative, you don't even have to make a racist, homophobic, or misogynistic joke to draw the left's ire.

Just criticize President Obama and there'll be people lining up to call you a racist - many of them elected officials as well as members of the media.

As such, in the plainest English I can summon, we conservatives want the same freedom of speech rights as liberals!


When his inbox fills up with hate-mail, some of it threatening, and he ends up either getting fired or having to issue a formal apology, he'll know what a double standard is.

The real question is: Does Sheppard know what a double standard is? Not that we can tell. After all, this is the guy who:

  • Heartily approved of Jay Leno insulting Harry Reid by saying of John Boehner telling Reid to "go fuck himself," then a mere 28 minutes later wailed that Arnold Schwarzenegger "took a cheap shot at New Jersey Governor Chris Christie." 
  • Lamented "the level of political discourse in America today," then approvingly cited an ugly insult by the Catholic League's Bill Donohue about President Obama.
  • Ranted against Stephen Colbert and "the toxic political tone in our nation," then five days later approvingly quoted Colbert telling CNN host Piers Morgan to "get the f--k out of Dodge." 

And Sheppard feels the need to lecture others about double standards? Puh-leeze.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:26 PM EDT

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