Topic: loves hurling gotcha questions at politicians it doesn't like, and getting its ambush tactic turned on it by the likes of Barney Frank hasn't deterred them a bit.
CNS now has a new gotcha ambush it's unleashing on Democratic politicians, as illustrated in an Oct. 2 article by Penny Starr:
When asked by whether he had read all 10,535 pages of final Obamacare regulations that have so far been published in the Federal Register, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) asked in return whether it was "important" the he read them, dismissed the inquiry as a "propaganda question," and did not ultimately anwer [sic].
Waxman is right, of course -- Starr was indeed asking a "propaganda question," something she so far has found no need to ask of Republican congressmen -- say, Ted Cruz or Mike Lee.
That's not stopping CNS from rolling out the ambush. James Beattie grumbles in another Oct. 2 article:
When Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) was asked on Wednesday whether he has read all 10,535 pages of final Obamacare that the administration has so for published in the Federal Register, he first gave a response that did not address the question.
When Warner was asked the question a second time, he walked away without answering.
We don't see Beattie rushing to ask this question of Republicans either. Perhaps he and Starr should try that -- they'd probably get the same reaction.
UPDATE: Beattie has now ambushed Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin with the question. Still no sign that anyone at CNS will ask this question of a Republican politician.