Topic: NewsBusters
Noel Sheppard grumbles in an Aug. 11 NewsBusters post that far-right Republican Rep. Steve King -- who ranted for Newsmax about illegal immigrants being drug runners with calves the size of cantaloupes -- appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" "to have host David Gregory, so-called Republican strategist Ana Navarro, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, and former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson (D) attack him for his immigration views." Sheppard huffed: "Now, regardless of what one thinks of the statements King made in July, he is still an elected official in this nation deserving of respect."
First, it can be argued that "Meet the Press" was merely following the template of Fox News, which regularly drowns out liberal opinion with shouting conservatives. In fact, Fox has an entire show based on the concept of a single liberal being shouted down by four conservatives.
Second, has Sheppard forgotten that his boss, Brent Bozell, wasn't exactly showing respect to President Obama when he likened him to a "skinny ghetto crackhead"? Sheppard might want to have a chat with Bozell before he makes this claim again.
Third, notice how Sheppard pivots from what King actually said to insisting he deserves respect no matter how crazy he sounds. Does Sheppard really believe that a Democrat who said crazy things should be treated with the same amount of respect he demands for King? Somehow we doubt it.
Also note Sheppard's attempt to Heather Ana Navarro by calling her a "so-called Republican strategist." He goes on to whine that "because of her regular disparagement of conservatives, she's now become a very popular guest on political talk shows."