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Sunday, June 2, 2013
NewsBusters Discovers A New Word
Topic: NewsBusters

Sneering Alex Wagner Mocks 'Alligator Moat' Border Plans in New Lean Forward Ad


MSNBC on Wednesday debuted yet another hard-left Lean Forward ad. This time, liberal anchor Alex Wagner slammed anyone who wants border security, sneering that they want "bigger, meaner, scarier fences" and "electrified, alligator moats to prevent 'them' coming in."

-- Scott Whitlock, May 29 NewsBusters post

In a sneering tirade against conservatives on Wednesday’s PoliticsNation, Reid broke the entire party into five separate groups: the “angry” Tea Party, the evangelicals that “want to litigate social issues only,” the “economic conservatives” who want to “get rid of Social Security and Medicare,” those who focus “on ripping away programs for the poor,” and the “Wall Street guys who really run the party.”

-- Andrew Lautz, May 30 NewsBusters post

MSNBC's David Corn Sneers: I Thought 'Charlton Heston Wrote' Ricin Attack Letters

-- Scott Whitlock, May 31 NewsBusters post

WashPost’s Milbank Sneers: Conservative Leaders are 'Children' that Will Eventually 'Get Around' to the Right 'Point of View'


Referencing Cruz’s assertion that new conservative leaders are the “children of Reagan,” Milbank sneered:

Andrew Lautz, May 31 NewsBusters post

But she quickly turned the nonpartisan cause into a sneering criticism of the former president's intelligence and decision-making, with nary a word of praise for the charity work:

Andrew Lautz, June 1 NewsBusters post

“I guess they walked or ran or something on their prosthetic limbs,” Maher sneered about George W. Bush’s ride around his Texas ranch with 20 servicemen, “and I found this to be nauseating. I mean, first he sends them off to war to get their limbs blown off and then he has them over for a barbecue.”

-- Brent Baker, June 1 NewsBusters post

Posted by Terry K. at 10:30 PM EDT

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