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Monday, June 17, 2019
WND Attacks Liberals As 'The New Barbarians'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The current issue of WorldNetDaily's sparsely read Whistleblower magazine is about "The New Barbarism," which claims to argue that "in every meaningful way, today’s far left, which has already taken over – one might even say 'raided and devoured' – the Democratic Party, is now dragging America down a barbaric road to ruin."

The lead essay by WND managing editor David Kupelian is yet another example of his liberal-bashing claptrap , and the errors start with the very first paragraph: "'Socialism or barbarism!' That’s the classic Marxist theme, the title of many far-left books, and the stark existential choice posed by socialists of all stripes: Either adopt our enlightened way – or sink into barbarism." It's actually the title of one book, not "many." But exaggeration is the order of the day for Kupelian; he goes on to suggest that today's liberals are barely different from the murderous regimes of Mao Zedong and Pol Pot.

Kupelian then claimed that among the "institutions targeted for destruction" by liberals is "American history," adding: "Everyone has watched in amazement over the last several years as activists on the left have waged an ongoing campaign to eliminate America’s historical memory, starting with toppling Civil War statues across the country." As he has before, Kupelian is confusing the winning and losing sides in the Civil War. Nobody's tearing down monuments to the winners of the Civil War -- it's only those honoring the Confederacy, the side that fought a war against the United States and lost.

Kuupelian also complained that "The Democrats have never accepted the election of Donald Trump as president – as demonstrated by the incredibly damaging Russia collusion hoax, which in reality has constituted a full-fledged attempted coup d’etat." Kupelian seems to have forgotten that his boss, Joseph Farah, never accepted the election of Barack Obama as president and that he helped Farah attempt a coup d'etat by relentlessly pushing the birther hoax.

Kupelian also ranted about "the Islam problem," huffing, "Islam, by its very nature, and as history proves again and again, tends not to assimilate but to conquer. It’s politically incorrect in the extreme to say so, but 'barbarian invasion' is what Islam has specialized in for most of the last 14 centuries."

Kupelian still hasn't figured out that kneejerk, factually dubious, right-wing ranting like this is one key reason WND is going down the tubes.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:44 AM EDT

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