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Thursday, April 20, 2017
CNS Lends Its Stenography Skills to Judicial Watch

The Trump administration is not the only group for which serves as a committed and loyal stenographer. Right-wing legal group Judicial Watch also benefits from CNS' stenography services to the point where CNS is effectively Judicial WAtch's PR shop.

In the past few months, CNS has churned out these press releases -- er, "news" articles for Judicial Watch's benefit:

All of these articles quote only Judicial Watch officials or things taken from Judicial Watch press releases. No attempt is made to obtain reaction to Judicial Watch's actions.

As if that wasn't enough -- and it apparently wasn't -- CNS also gave Judicial Watch chief Tom Fitton his own column in which the tone is little different from the "news" articles about most of the same things. Fitton has written these for CNS since the beginning of the year:

Fitton hardly needs to write columns for CNS, since its "news" articles are pretty much the same thing.

Of course, such stenography work will eventually dry up for CNS because Judicial Watch has little interest in holding the Trump administration accountable in the same way it went after the Obama administration.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:51 AM EDT

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