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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sleazy Jerome Corsi Now Pushing Obama Gay-Sex Claims
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi despises Barack Obama so much that he has shown no reluctance to plunging into the sleaziest sewers of Obama derangement. He started moving this direction last year by darkly hinting that Obama is secretly gay. Now, Corsi has taken the full plunge at WND by trying to rehabilitate Larry Sinclair.

If you'll recall, in 2008 WND enthusiastically embraced Sinclair's tale that he once did drugs and had sex with Obama, despite the facts that no corroborating evidence was presented to back up his claims and WND itself made no effort whatsoever to check him out. WND quietly backed away from Sinclair after he failed lie-detector tests, he turned out to be a convicted crimina,l and he held a press conference one observer called "the single most stupefying event on any single day, what with the diversity of inanity on display from coast to coast in an election year," complete with a kilt-wearing attorney who justified his wardrobe decision by discussing the size of his "male genitalia."

But never mind all that --  Corsi needs more excuses to hate Obama, and Sinclair will serve just nicely.

In an April 24 WND article, Corsi writes that a libel case was dismissed against Sinclair by a man who claimed Sinclair ruined him by claiming in a book that Obama adviser David Axelrod had agreed to pay the man $750,000 to rig the results of Sinclair's polygraph test. Corsi makes sure to put inhis lead paragraph that Sinclair has made the "sensational charge that he had sex and used drugs with the future president," but it's not until the final paragraph of his 27-paragraph article that Corsi mentions that Sinclair has a "criminal past."

The libel suit has no direct link to Sinclair's allegations about Obama -- which still lack substantiation -- yet Corsi is seizing on it  to portray Sinclair as credible.

This is little more than carpet-munching on Corsi's part. There apparently is no depth too low for him to indulge his Obama derangement.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:53 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:54 AM EDT

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