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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
What If Mychal Massie Was White?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Mychal Massie's June 11 WorldNetDaily column carries the headline "What if Obama were white?" Sadly, Massie does nothing useful with this premise, instead engaging in his same old regurgitation of hate and lies. Here's a sample:

If the white hypothetical FLOTUS spent $50,000 in one afternoon at one of the most exclusive, exotic lingerie shops in the world and spent $15,000 a day to use the same makeup man Oprah Winfrey uses – would condemnation of her be because she is white? If this hypothetical white FLOTUS falsified travel documents, fraudulently listing her daughters as “senior advisers” so that American taxpayers (millions of whom are unemployed) would be responsible for footing the bill for them – would criticism of her be because she is white?

In fact, as we've documented, Michelle Obama did not go on a lingerie spending spree, and nobody has claimed that makeup artist Derrick Rutledge charges Obama $15,000 a day (only that that's what he has charged others in the past).

Also, Obama did not "fraudulently list her daughters as 'senior advisers' so that American taxpayers (millions of whom are unemployed) would be responsible for footing the bill for them." As ABC reported, the White House said that a listing for them as "senior staff" indicates only where they sat on the plane, and no "fraud" was committed.

So, Massie can't even get do the basic research of getting his direct quotes correct in spewing his lies.

Which brings up an interesting question: What if Mychal Massie were white? Would WND give him the pass it's giving him now on his numerous falsehoods and misleading claims, of which the above paragraph is only one example?

If Massie were white, would he get the same pass he's getting now on calling Michelle Obama "Buttzilla" and Jehmu Greene a "Negress"?

Would Massie be so vaulable to WND if he was a white man spewing the same unhinged hatred of a black president?

Massie, it appears, is hiding behind his race to hurl denigrating attacks he would never be able to get away with if he was white. Not that he'll ever admit that, of course.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:04 AM EDT

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