Topic: WorldNetDaily
Obama Deramgement Syndrome never ended at WorldNetDaily, even though Barack Obama has been out of the White House for years. WND has amply demonstrated that in recent weeks by suggesting that Obama murdered his chef and promoting the bitter rage of his estranged grifter half-brother, but there's so much more. Joe Kovacs devoted an April "news" article to chortling how a "Jeopardy" contestant got Obama's "heritage" wrong:
Barack Obama's mysterious heritage continues to perplex even the smartest of contestants on "Jeopardy."
On Wednesday night's episode, in the category titled, "Our nation of immigration," a photo of Barack Obama was displayed, with host Ken Jennings reading the clue:
"Famous Americans of this heritage include Barack Obama, seen here on a visit to the old country."
The returning champion, Kat Jepson, an artist originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia, responded: "What is Kenya?"
Jennings ruled her incorrect, even though many Americans may sympathize with that answer, since Obama's birthplace and precise family heritage have long been matters of controversy.
Neither of the two other contestants, Ben Chan nor Laura Caton, proffered a guess.
Jennings explained the "correct" response, saying: "You can see the flag, he's actually in Ireland."
A June 27 article was a reprint of the introduction of a new book compiling essays by right-wing anti-Obama authors about how horrible Obama supposedly was:
Barack Obama’s presidency was historic. Pundits said it, celebrities tweeted it, and the community organizer from Chicago was not shy about constantly bringing it up.
And it was true.
Over a decade after his inauguration, we are still living in his shadow. His history of economic decline, racial division, and terrorist appeasement is our present. The third term of his presidency under Biden makes him inescapable even long after leaving office. The Biden administration is extending his fundamental transformation of America. Its open borders, woke military, critical race theory, terrorist appeasement, and wealth redistribution are a continuation of Obama’s war on our national sovereignty, on the middle class, on the family, and on free enterprise. From a new administration staffed with all his old people to the familiar economic misery that Americans thought they had left behind, it is as if the Obama administration never ended. And, as the nation endures a third term of Obama, many wonder if it will ever end.
His legacy of defeat abroad and division at home is all around us. From race riots to defeat in Afghanistan, from the war on the middle class to massive power grabs, we are not only still living out his history, but it’s clear that we will go on living there until we break free. Obama made history, but not the way that the mainstream media would have it. The truly historic elements of his presidency were not his accident of birth and choice of racial identification, which a political establishment obsessed with identity politics told Americans would serve as a national atonement for racism. Now that his third term is taking place under an old, white male figurehead, it is clearer than ever that identity is not history. The true legacy of Obama and Biden lies in the impact of their destructive radicalism on the country, not what box they checked on their census form. The community organizer from Chicago did not heal our racial wounds. Instead, he presided over a historically divisive era that reversed generations of improvements in race relations.
But Obama did not just divide Americans by race (“Punish your enemies”), but by gender (“You know, there’s a reason we haven’t had a woman president before”), by faith (“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion”), by all the flavors of sexual identity, and by every sort of identity politics. He broke America, and the fractures of our time are the aftershocks of his destruction.
Pointing out that there has never been a woman president is dividing Americans by gender? Weird.
A July 3 column by editor Joseph Farah -- who remains prone to flareups of ODS -- served up out-of-context statements he called "a few choice quotes from Barack Hussein Obama. This is painful, indeed. Our first president who was a "community organizer." This included the "civilian national security force" statement Farah has obsessed about for years, which we documented way back in 2008 was not about the establishment of a paramilitary force under Obama's control, as Farah has long suggested, but about using civilian "soft power" as part of foreign diplomacy.
Farah continued to rage: "Obama was telling us who he was. He is still telling us who he is and hinting toward a destination that is not America. Then came Joe Biden. All it took was one rigged election." He then likened Obama and Biden to "the evil geniuses that came before," like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler. (What was that about WND not liking it when people likened Trump to Hitler?)
Wayne Allyn Root --who is also prone to ODS fits -- ramped up the Obamaphobic rage in his July 21 column:
It's so damn obvious. You'd have to be delusional, naive, a moron or a Democrat not to understand what went down.
You'd have to be delusional, naive, a moron or a Democrat not to understand our country has been sold out.
And you'd have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to understand this wasn't President Joe Biden's plan. Biden has always been former President Barack Obama's "useful idiot."
The answer to every question about who committed the crimes, who sold out our country, who the mastermind is, is always the same ...
IABO: It's Always Been Obama.[...]
What did Obama know and when did he know it? Obama was president when all this went on. Obama was in charge when Biden was robbing us blind. Obama oversaw all this crime, corruption, extortion and tax fraud.
Obama was president when his vice president's son ran around the world on a one-man crime and sex spree. Hunter Biden acted like he represented the United States government, while snorting coke and smoking crack off prostitutes' backs ... while having sex with possibly underage girls, filming it all and putting it on his laptop – opening the entire United States to blackmail.
And you think Obama didn't know about any of this?
Folks, either you believe Obama is a fool, the dumbest and most clueless moron to ever occupy the White House ... and Obama knew nothing ... Obama saw nothing ... Obama heard nothing ... Obama is a clone of Sgt. Shultz on "Hogan's Heroes" ...
… or you're starting to understand that Obama was the mastermind. Obama was "the tutti di capo" – the ultimate "Big Guy" – the boss of bosses.
And all this crime, corruption, extortion and treason was carried out with Obama's approval and permission. All these world-class criminals, traitors and useful idiots were working for Obama, were following Obama's plan and carrying out Obama's orders – and were protected by Obama's DOJ and Obama's FBI.
And it's Obama right now still giving the orders. It's clear Biden is a brain-dead puppet with dementia and diapers. Half the time this half-wit doesn't know where he is – or who he is. The CEO of Burisma reportedly said Hunter was dumber than his dog. Where do you think Hunter got that from? He's a chip off the old block. Hunter is as dumb as a box of rocks, simply because his father is as dumb as a box of rocks. Two useful idiots.
You don't have to be a genius, or a brain surgeon, to figure out IABO: "It's Always Been Obama."
Obama was the mastermind then. Obama is the mastermind now.
What did Obama know and when did he know it? He knew everything – because he was the guy giving the orders.
And he still is.
Yep, that's some serious Obama derangement right there.
Obama obsessive Jack Cashill devoted his Aug. 30 column to gushing over the above-noted anti-Obama book WND touted a couple months earlier:
Having written four books about Barack Obama, I read Jamie Glazov's new book, "Barack Obama's True Legacy," not expecting any surprises. To my surprise, I was pleasantly surprised.
Glazov, the editor, assigned subject matter experts to review Obama's policy decisions as president, with a focus on foreign policy. This strategy provides a depth of reporting not found in other assessments of the Obama presidency, my own included.
It's unlikely that future Obama historians will know more about the Muslim Brotherhood than Robert Spencer, more about communism than Trevor Loudon, more about Benghazi than Clair Lopez, more about Israel than Daniel Greenfield or Dov Lipman, or more about Russia than J.R. Nyquist, just to name a few.
Cashill then quoted from the opening essay:
The opening chapter by John Drew sets the tone for what follows. Drew first met the future president when Obama was a student at Occidental College in Los Angeles.
The Obama Drew meets is a closeted homosexual and an uncloseted anti-colonialist and wannabe communist revolutionary. "There's going to be a revolution," Drew remembers Obama saying. "We need to be organized and grow the movement."
We've previously noted that Drew was never as close to Obama as he has suggested, having actually met him only twice -- at least one of which was a social occasion -- and he had graduated from Occidental before Obama even started school there. So maybe he's not the reliable critic Glazov and Cashill want us to think he is.
The fact that Glazov's book starts out with a guy who spent the Obama years exaggerating his alleged closeness to the guy for right-wing gain doesn't bode well for the book as a whole. Or for Cashill's credibility as well; he eagerly swallows arguments by the book's writers that Obama was "groomed by a communist-Islamist alliance" to be president and touted in the headline of his column that the book portrays Obama as a "real-life Manchurian candidate."
Cashill concluded with a wannabe book blurb: "Future historians would do well to ignore the reporting of the legacy media altogether. For those interested in the real story, 'Barack Obama's True Legacy' would be a much better place to start." He doesn't explain why obsessive Obama-haters should be trusted on anything.