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Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Wayne Allyn Root Division
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We are living in an age of mass deception, distraction and denial, of mass brainwashing. We might as well all be living in Jonestown, Guyana, and following the orders of Jim Jones.

That's how bad it is. It's all laid out right in front of us. But no one can see it. Or maybe no one wants to see it. The Durham report is "the canary in the coal mine."

I believe it's all former President Barack Obama. It's always been Obama. Obama is the REAL "big guy." Obama is the REAL criminal mastermind. Obama was the head of the snake. Obama was the John Gotti of the U.S. government, overseeing a massive criminal conspiracy. Obama was the head of the "Obama Crime Family."

Obama committed TREASON.

And the worst part of all: Obama's still in charge. Obama is pulling all the strings. He's the one calling the shots. He's the ventriloquist, speaking for the wooden dummy puppet President Joe Biden. Obama is the real president of the United States, back for his third term.


Just like John Gotti. The mafia Don always gets a piece of every scam run by the capos under him. Or they get whacked.

And where was all the corrupt loot run out of? The Clinton Foundation. That's why it was based offshore – far away from prying eyes. As one more layer of protection, Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to look the other way.

This is all called TREASON.

Obama, Hillary and Joe Biden used the power of the federal government as their own mafia extortion operation. Hillary and Biden were the capos who carried out the crimes, thereby keeping Obama's hands clean. Obama gave them full license to steal, and freedom from prosecution. In poker it's called a "free roll."

That was the point of the made-up "Russian collusion" story: to frame the new president, and keep him too distracted defending himself, to prosecute Obama, Biden and Hillary.

That was also the point of the FBI declining to prosecute Hillary for her deleted emails. Those emails between her and Obama were enough to get them all convicted for treason. Remember Hillary's words from 2016: "If that bastard (Trump) wins, we all hang from nooses."

It's even truer today than in 2016. That is why Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump from winning in 2024. Because there is no statute of limitations for treason. Durham has opened the door. And I'm betting if Trump wins again, this time he's going after all of them with a vengeance.

-- Wayne Allyn Root, May 19 WorldNetDaily column

(Oh, and that quote from Hillary? It's fake.)

Posted by Terry K. at 6:31 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 6:33 PM EDT

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