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Wednesday, October 19, 2022
WND Can't Stop Pushing The 'Charlottesville Lie' Lie
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily is highly invested in the "Charlottesville lie" lie, and it's never going to tell its readers the truth. Thus, Art Moore is at it again in a Sept. 18 article:

Promoting his United We Stand Summit at the White House – an event intended to "counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety" – President Biden repeated the false "very fine" people claim against former President Trump.

"I decided to run for president after Charlottesville because I believed our story is to unite as one people, one nation, one America," Biden said on his Twitter account Thursday.

"Today, we convened a first-of-its-kind United We Stand Summit held at the White House to make that story clear."

In fact, Trump made it clear during his remarks on the Charlottesville riot in 2017 that he was not referring to "the neo-Nazis and white nationalists" as "fine" people, explicitly declaring "they should be condemned totally."

His reference – as a CNN contributor pointed out in a rebuke to his network colleagues – was to the people on both sides of the issue of whether or not to maintain statues of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate figures.

As we've documented, the group that was protesting the removal of the Confederate statue and Robert E. Lee park renaming in Charlottesville was a group calling itself American Warrior Revolution, which considers itself a militia and later effectively blaming liberal counterprotester Heather Heyer for her own death in getting mowed down by a car driven by white supremacist James Fields Jr.

Moore tried to play whataboutism by noting that "Biden, for his part, weighed in on the controversial Confederate flag issue in a 1993 Senate session, declaring that 'many fine people' display it." Again, that was nearly 30 years ago when Americans as a whole were more sanguine about the Confederacy, and his source for the Biden video clipis something called the "Trump War Room," an opposition research Twitter feed run by Trump supporters -- hardly an objective source of information.

Moire keeps trying to make this counter-narrative happen, but he can't fight the facts.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:42 PM EDT

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