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Sunday, October 16, 2022
CNS' Catholic Priest Still Thinks He's A Right-Wing Pundit

Rev. Michael Orsi is a Catholic priest who thinks he's a right-wing pundit, and gives him a platform to do that. Orsi used a Sept. 6 CNS column to lash out at the Bidean administration's plan to forgive student debnt at "sinful":

It’s easy to reject Biden’s scheme as a transparent ploy to “buy” votes for Democrats from among the college educated.

I would also suggest that it’s a dandy way to pay back all those Antifa and BLM shock troops who spent their college years training to become street activists. After all, you want to make sure they remain loyal and ready to be mobilized in time for the next election.

Political concerns aside, however, let’s focus on the moral implications of reimbursement. There are three fundamental moral flaws that make this projected $240 billion program detrimental to the soul, and therefore sinful.

First, and most obvious, it heightens the sense of entitlement that’s already rampant in our society. Welfare and social-assistance programs, originally intended to provide a “safety net” for the poor, have grown into the primary source of income for a large and growing portion of our population.


Second (and a consequence of the first), Biden’s scheme robs people of the satisfaction that comes with paying off a debt. “Burning the mortgage” was once a valued symbol of accomplishment, a milestone in the life of a family, something of which to be proud.

If college becomes an entitlement, where’s the pride? For that matter, where’s the morally edifying sense of gratitude you might feel toward Mom and Dad for their sacrifices on behalf of your education, or to the donor of some scholarship for which you had to compete?

Third, in a very real sense, Biden’s “reimbursement” is a form of theft.

If enacted, this program wouldn’t just make all those loans go away. In actuality, it would shift responsibility for paying them off from the people who committed to these obligations — and received an education — to those who paid for their own college, those who never went to college at all, or (given the enormity of the plan and its indefinite ongoing extension) to generations yet unborn.

Orsi concluded by declaring that forgiving student debt "undermin[es] the integrity of our political system. That’s detrimental to your individual soul, and to the soul of the nation."

Orsi began his Sept. 20 column by complaining that Title IX demands thatwomen's school sports be treated the same as mens' sports "even though girls’ teams rarely generate as much public interest and revenue as the guys’ do." Then he channeled right-wing homophobic talking points in attacking the idea that federal law should expand protections to LGBT students:

My view is that the fix is in. All the resources of the left are being channeled into promoting this moral insanity. And it’s been reported that — because of a “secretarial error” — some 200,000 emails have mysteriously disappeared.

Under these circumstances, I would say that implementation of the changes is pretty much a given.

The consequences will involve considerably more than just the destruction of women’s sports — unfair as this may be to the many girls who have worked hard to develop their skills (and counted on athletic scholarships to underwrite their education).

If a student claims a gender identity that contradicts the observable characteristics of that individual’s being, teachers would be legally obligated to use whatever pronouns the student prefers.

This sounds stupid and comical, but it’s no joke. People have lost their jobs (and worse) over such claims, both in this country and abroad. And neither religion nor the long-established conventions of the English language can protect them.

Orsi didn't explain why the power of government must be used to hate and oppress LGBT students. instead, the hateful talking points continued:

Additionally, schools would be obligated to promote abortion to their female students, and make it readily available. This would be done in the name of sex equality, relieving the unfair concern about pregnancy which males do not face.

Naturally, such mutilation and life-changing (life-destroying) services would be provided without having to obtain the consent of parents.

All of this contradicts what we believe as Catholics. It’s anti-Biblical, and it’s depraved. It flies in the face of Judeo-Christian moral principles maintained for thousands of years, principles that are the foundation of our culture. It defies common sense, as understood by 99 percent of humanity.

It’s an overreach by government, an invasion of our private lives, an effort to manipulate us. It’s an attempt to make us into something different from how God created us.

I believe it’s also unconstitutional. This is not a piece of legislation being enacted by our elected representatives. Rather, it is arbitrary rulemaking by unelected bureaucrats who are committed to an ideological vision that is inhuman and evil at the core.

Actually, allowing people to be who they are is not an invasion of privacy, but Orsi's demand to be able to discriminate against people he personally hates is.

At this point, though, Orsi has clearly forgotten he's supposed to be a priests who cares about people and instead is  trying to make points as a right-wing wing pundit would rather appear on Fox News:

There is a solution to this situation, but it requires the kind of top-to-bottom reform that would be huge and difficult and unlikely to happen. Part of it would involve complete school choice, where parents receive vouchers or tax credits to fund alternative learning options.

Another would be eliminating the many levels of administrators, those “education specialists” who promote ill-conceived and ideologically driven curricular programs. Add to that limiting the activities of teachers’ unions to protecting the legitimate rights and working conditions of their members, and eradicating union influence on instruction methods and course content.

Also, schools should obtain textbooks and curriculum materials from publishers that don’t function as conduits for ideological and anti-human propaganda. They exist, but many are struggling against leftist domination of educational publishing.

Over the long term, we need to dismantle the national education bureaucracy, get the federal government out of the business of setting education policy, and return control of schools to states and communities.

DoesOrsi really thnk his preferred right-wing sources oif school curriculum aren't putting out "ideological propaganda"? He simply want his preferred ideology crammed down students' throats.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:59 PM EDT

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