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Thursday, October 13, 2022
MRC Complains That CNN Anchor Catches GOP Candidate Refusing To Answer Election Question
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Kevin Tober complained in a Sept. 4 post that a CNN anchor called out a Republican politican for her non-answer on the 2020 election:

The leftist media is never happy. If a Republican candidate or elected official claims the 2020 election was stolen, they throw a tantrum, if a Republican admits President Joe Biden was legitimately elected and he is the current President, they continue asking the question until the exact party approved phrase is uttered. This was the case on Sunday morning's State of the Union on CNN, where co-anchor Dana Bash asked Washington state Republican Senatorial nominee Tiffany Smiley three times whether Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Each time she said yes, but a simple yes apparently wasn't good enough for Bash.   

"Let's just drill down on this question," Bash prefaced before asking "simple yes or no, do you believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election fair and square?"

Smiley responded "Yes, he's our President. Yes," before going on to point out how "in 2016 Hillary Clinton had concerns, Stacey Abrams had concerns" about their elections. "This is an issue on both sides of the aisle. This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue," Smiley added.

Not happy with the way Smiley answered the question, Bash demanded she answer it again in a way that Bash's Democrat party approves of: "you said that President Biden is our President. Was he fairly elected, legitimately elected?"

"Yes, Joe Biden is our President," Smiley answered and went on to say she's focused on the voters in her state and not debating the 2020 election. 

Bash angrily snapped back that "you didn't say that he was legitimately elected. I just want to give you one more chance to say that or if you are comfortable with your answer, we'll move on."

Smiley once again repeated the same answer that she Bash gave twice: "Yes, I think I made it clear. He is our President and, again, I am focused on the voters of Washington state." 

Bash never said what the correct answer to her question was, but apparently saying yes, Biden is our President, isn't the Democrat Party [sic] approved answer despite what you might have believed.

Of coruse, simply conceding that Biden is president is not the same thing as saying he was legitimately elected. Bash was trying to get an answer to that question, and Smiley refused to provide one.

Tober didn't mention that his employer also believes that Biden was not legitimately elected, what with its version of the Big Lie conspiracy theory Donald Trump has promoted, in which it hired Trump's own pollster to further the lie.And Tober himself didn't reveal his own answer to the question: Does he accept that Biden is the president, or has he bought into the Big Lie too?

Posted by Terry K. at 2:37 PM EDT

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