Topic: WorldNetDaily
It's been a while since we last checked in on prolific COVID misinformer Joel Hirschhorn. Let's check in and see how he's misinforming people now, shall we? Well, he spent a June 30 column fearmongering about COVID vaccines for children:
The greatest failure of the public health establishment has arrived. Public revolt is now urgently needed.
Of all the many insane aspects of the pandemic, nothing compares to what is now going on: The federal government and public health establishment is pushing COVID vaccines for infants, young children and adolescents. Parents succumbing to this are either grossly uninformed or just plain victims of pro-vaccine propaganda.
Two key questions are paramount: Do infants and children really face such high COVID risks that they need vaccination? Are parents well-informed about the many known and unknown negative side effects of COVID vaccines?
Yet another sad aspect of this lunacy is how nearly all physicians have succumbed to the pro-vaccine dogma and propaganda. Every parent with a doctor embracing vaccination of their children should question that doctor's competence and independence.
Hirschhorn spent his July 11 column discussing long COVID in a way that was surprisingly medically accurate (by his standards). He tried to blame vaccines again for long COVID, but even he had to concede that any link between them happens only in rare cases and that vaccines may offer some protection against getting long COVID after an infection.
Hirschhorn's Aug. 4 column was spent enthusing over the boosting vitamin D to ward off a COVID infection -- again, not a bad idea since many people have vitamin D deficiencies. Still he felt the need to undercut his surprisingly sound advice with a conspiracy:
Here is the big point: If public health agencies had pushed the wide use of vitamin D early in the pandemic, especially 5,000 units or more daily, there surely would have been virtually no pandemic. And no big need for COVID vaccines. It is a disgrace that governments worldwide have not promoted use of D and that physicians have not urged their patients to take it. All this is inexplicable, unless you recognize the evil influence of Big Pharma. All the U.S. government officials who pushed vaccines over vitamin D, especially Tony Fauci, should be criminally prosecuted.
Hirschhorn was back to unsound conspiracies in his Aug. 12 column, fretting about the summer incrase in COVID deaths without once mentioning that the Omicron variant, against which current vaccines offer less protection. Still, he ranted:
The main propaganda line is that vaccines and boosters are "safe and effective" and prevent severe illness and death. These are lies, as shown by the data.
COVID propaganda lies set a record in the history of the human race. The propaganda has killed millions of people.
Why are more people dying from COVID?
Because what hospitals are doing is ineffective. It's not working.
Have the vaccines and boosters wrecked the immune systems of many people? As the transmission of the virus continues, people are getting sick enough to die.
If more people took a high dose of vitamin D, this high death rate could be prevented. See my previous column on Vitamin D.
When will the truth about the vaccines and boosters be widely seen?
Another explanation may be the vast numbers of illegal aliens coming across the southern border. Many likely have poor immune systems and have not been vaccinated. But hospitals are not reporting whether such people are dying from COVID.
As much as Hirschhorn wants it to be, undocumented immigrants are not to blame for a summer COVID surge.But he had a new conspiracy to peddle, that the vaccines cause cancer:
A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.
It's important to always remember that VAERS likely only reports as little as 1% of actual impacts because it is voluntary and burdensome reporting most doctors and others do not take the time to use.
Brian Shilhavy, who is the editor of Health Impact News, traced his steps in the search, providing links to documentation of his various findings.
Shilhavy and his website netweork have been exposed as COVID misinformation superspreaders, so there's no reason for Hirschhorn -- or anyone else -- to trust his research. But Hirschhorn had one more misinformer to promote:
In March 2021, board-certified pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole reported that he was seeing a massive "uptick" in various autoimmune diseases and cancers in patients who have been COVID-vaccinated, LifeSiteNews reports.
There are still many unknowns, but one is becoming clear: There is a connection between COVID and CANCER!
Cole's claims have been discredited, and LifeSiteNews was kicked off Facebook for spreading COVID misinformation.