Topic: WorldNetDaily
So-called transgenderism is a lie from the pit of hell and an injurious form of mental illness. Belief in same exhibits a level of mental sickness in the afflicted individual that's beyond rationality; but to demand the public participate in this mental sickness transcends reality.
Hollywood has been called a dream factory, but in reality it's a factory that was created and is sustained to manufacture lies to anesthetize the public to the level of immiseration that envelops them. Hollywood is also the industry of distraction and agitprop ingested by the gullible as truth. Even documentaries presented as factual are nothing more glamorized lies, e.g., the JFK assassination et al.
Consider the theft of the election from President Trump. The question isn't how; the fact is – it was. Omitted in the endless hours of debate and condemnation of those of us who understand it was a statistical impossibility for Biden to win without cheating, was the fact that this wasn't the first theft of a presidential election.
The value and judicial competency of Biden's token Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, isn't based upon meritocracy; it's based upon melanin and gender. I cannot think of a more insulting assault on my judicial abilities if I were the nominee.
-- Mychal Massie, March 7 WorldNetDaily column
Cultural Marxists, neo-Leninists and the liberal Democrats that emulate them are a variant species of "The Children of the Corn." Bathtub gin has done less brain damage than the demonic psychosocial idiocies they panhandle as a higher form of social inclusion.
I submit that the objective to which they are most earnestly dedicated is to subvert God's intended order of creation, i.e., man and woman. I further submit that the truly clever aspect of this hellish objective has been to convince the public that their objective is a social necessity, through the use of fictional disaffection and alienation that threatens their well-being.
This effort was augmented by the abandonment of Truth in Christendom as said Truth is immutably stated in the Word of God. Sin was recast as love, and as such the function of male and female was repurposed into a reality where mental illness was applauded – and the pursuit of exchanging the "Truth for a lie" was fully underway. Homosexuality was no longer a disgusting, dirty, sexual perversion; it was gender. But it couldn't stop there, so transgenderism and every other form of sexual perversion imaginable was invented to give the illusion that this mental illness was normal.
-- Mychal Massie, March 14 WND column (Massie also quoted from the "Homosexual Manifesto," which, as we noted the last time he did this, is satire not meant to be taken seriously)
Ketanji Brown Jackson, Joe Biden's Supreme Court nominee, is a reminder that for all of the boastful bravado regarding the elevation of women, Marxists and their Democratic sycophants hold women in the lowest of esteem. Jackson also reminds me of just how "man dominated" Marxists are from the top down.
I have to laugh every time I hear some liberal feminist claiming another of their kind is a "strong, independent, brave woman." What a crock of vomit mixed with the substance that comprises encopresis sans micturition.
If Hollywood women are "so strong and independent," why do they have to sleep with directors and producers to get a role in a movie? If liberal Hollywood women are so admirable, why are they expected to murder their unborn children to keep their jobs? Or is that their demented definition of "independent and strong"?
These women love to talk about the great and all-powerful Hillary. I ask you, if Hilary is so powerful and such an independent woman, why was the nomination taken from her in 2007 and given to Obama? Or are we supposed to forget that the Clinton team had dirt on Obama that was reputed to be so devastating that it would force him from the race? Somehow, said information quietly disappeared.
Pelosi may be speaker of the House, but as such she is little more than a toothless old sot suffering from tardive dyskinesia and some pronounced form of hebephrenia. In brief, she's a toothless old dog who wags her tail when the true Marxian leadership gives the order.
-- Mychal Massie, March 21 WND column
I thought Cheryl Cooky – Purdue University professor of American studies and women's, gender and sexuality studies – set a new standard of mental illness and delusion when she claimed Will Thomas was a modern-day Jackie Robinson. Will Thomas is the mentally ill fake pretending to be a woman so he can sate his pathetic ego by winning swimming events he wasn't good enough to even qualify for competing against other men.
But, Nancy Pelosi's comment extolling Biden makes both Cooky and the Thomas guy seem normal even if those two are certifiably nuts, as in crazy.
Allegations abound that Biden stole his friend's wife. His drug-addicted, sex-obsessed son is reported by reputable sources to have been sexually involved with a minor family member. Even by the mobster code of ethics instilled in Pelosi by her Baltimore, M.D., mobster father, the aforementioned would have been unacceptable. But, the Biden family is more like something out of Macbeth.
-- Mychal Massie, March 28 WND column
The Democratic Party has been the party of Satan from its inception. It simply transmogrified from "a likeness" of Satan to a full-blown, fully public, no longer hidden image of Marxism, neo-Leninism and Fabianism, which are the triad of Satan.
To the Democrats' leaders, Women and crayon people are of value only as long as they follow the prescribed mantra. For women that means any women who dare not subscribe to the industrialized murder of children are viewed as traitors to women's rights.
For the sub-group people identified by melanin content, it means living the entirety of their lives filled with self-inflicted immiseration and the never-ending complaint of socio-inequality based upon the fallacious construct of skin color.
The increasing inability to portray Joe Biden as anything other than a slobbering, cognitively diminished, pathetic excuse for a human being forced the Marxian Democrats to do what they do best – create a diversion based upon melanin content.
-- Mychal Massie, April 4 WND column