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Thursday, May 13, 2021
Larry Tomczak's Biden Derangement Syndrome
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joe Biden is in the Oval Office cockpit as Obama's docile lieutenant for the leftist policies of the radicalized Democratic Party. Did you know he has a weekly phone chat with socialist leaders Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren? As the undisputed head of the fawning Democrats, Barack and the team are integrally involved in the decision-making process as they hand off stacks of official-looking executive orders. Joe dutifully signs them at his desk flanked by ready media "reps" in photo-op positions.

Does he really know what he's signing? Did he read the record number of 28 executive orders he signed with lightning speed in his first days (almost more than FDR did in an entire month)? Anyone get the feeling someone is moving aggressively to make changes as fast as possible?

Adherents to the Democratic Party (like my parents who loved Truman and Kennedy) recognize the leftist metamorphosis of Joe Biden. They also fear he is in cognitive decline and not competent for the job.

I am not a medical authority, but I join scores of Americans who observe what's taking place and are uncomfortable as we come to grips with the reality that Mr. Biden is basically a figurehead "puppet" for those deliberately using him in his weakened state.

His handlers have worked tirelessly to shield "Hidin' Biden" from letting his guard down and being exposed in embarrassing situations. Everyone knows he was concealed for over 50 days in the basement during the campaign and finally gave a press conference. The State of the Union address has been dodged with the usual "COVID concerns."


Was the rough and ready Donald Trump an expression of God's mercy for our nation in our time of crisis? Was he similar to a Winston Churchill, whom God provided to stand courageously and help rescue people from the coming peril? Was there sufficient fraud in the 2020 election for Dems to rob it? Biden's middle name is Robinette - "robin' it." Interesting.

Here's the deal: The O'Biden team, is like a runaway freight train demolishing almost all of the policies of the pro-life, pro-family, pro-traditional marriage, pro-religious freedom Trump administration.

Larry Tomczak, April 13 WorldNetDaily column

Instead of seizing the opportunity to rightfully pay tribute to America, our system of justice plus honor the outstanding work of the judge and jury in a fair trial that featured due process and meticulous investigation envied by much of the world, Mr. Biden engaged in a shameful indictment of our nation, insulting hundreds of millions of Americans. Former speaker of the House and statesman Newt Gingrich was stunned by his reckless rhetoric.

"It was murder in the full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism the vice president just referred to – the systemic racism that is a stain on our nation's soul; the knee on the neck of justice for black Americans; the profound fear and trauma, the pain, the exhaustion that black and brown Americans experience every single day … tackle systemic misconduct in police departments, to restore trust between law enforcement and the people they are entrusted to serve and protect."

These words were a slap in the face to millions of Americans as he trashed the United States of America before the entire world. This was something so reprehensible and unprecedented, and in fact, never in our history has a sitting president blatantly insulted America as he did.


When Biden stood at the podium was he a puppet-like pawn of the leftist, anti-America progressive movement? In his diminished state of cognitive decline, is it possible he was clueless to the seriousness of what he was communicating before the entire global community?

The man who stood before us 100 days ago and in his Inaugural Address said he was going to "unify" and "bring us together" is polarizing us horribly. He's partnering with the radical Democratic progressives intent on replacing traditional America with a secular, socialistic system of centralized government control. The key to their strategy is to continue hammering a fallacious narrative of an evil, racist America that can only be rescued and rebuilt by following a savior-like Biden and his power-hungry socialist cohorts.

-- Larry Tomczak, April 27 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 5:11 PM EDT

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