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Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Kupelian Still Laughably Claiming That WND Publishes The Truth
Topic: WorldNetDaily

He's no Joseph Farah, but David Kupelian -- who's mostly running WorldNetDaily these days while Farah remains out of commission -- hsi fully embracing Farah's delusion that WND publishes the truth, despite mountains of evidence demonstrating otherwise. These days, he's not making those claims onthe website; they're in emails begging for money while fearmongering about the outrage fo the day.

Kupelian ranted in a June 5 email (overenthusiastic bolding in original):

Look, you and I aren’t dumb. We know the truth: The unhinged left is attempting to use a global pandemic to destroy President Trump, AND to transform the United States of America into a socialist paradise — you know, like Venezuela.

The only thing standing between the far left and absolute, 24/7 propaganda and disinformation? Us. You and me, Friend.

You and I fight for uncompromisingly truthful news reporting … because without the truth, all is lost. We must make sure the American people know the truth about what’s going on in our country.

Kupelian similarly complained in a June 15 email:

For years, the leftist media has observed a grotesque double standard … one for themselves and another for conservatives. But I never thought it’d get this bad.

The only choice conservatives have right now? Fight with everything we’ve got.

That’s what WorldNetDaily is doing every single day… fighting back with the truth, a very powerful weapon!

For his June 30 email, Kupelian was in full victim mode:

As you probably know, WorldNetDaily is under relentless assault by forces of the far left that want to transform America – particularly the online media gatekeepers we collectively refer to as Big Tech.

Our current difficult financial situation (we’ve gone from 50 employees a couple years ago to 9 today, but they are 9 of the best in the business) is the direct result of a relentless campaign by Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media giants, as well as the big establishment media and their allies on the far left, to shut down conservative journalism. Which is to say, to shut down America’s free press, without which a nation CANNOT stay free.

After the usual right-wing complaints about "shadow banning" and purportedly "accurate" articles labeled false by Facebook, Kupelian played the fake "truth" card again to beg for money:

WND is a critical part of the national news media … because, almost alone among major news outlets, we provide a conservative, Judeo-Christian, pro-American insight and context to today’s civilization-shaking news stories.

Without WND, which has reported boldly and truthfully every single day since May 1997 – 23 years ago! – our nation will be that much closer to being buried under a radical, far-left agenda and propaganda blitz that crushes our Constitution and tramples our values.

We need your help to keep our lights on and our journalists punching back against the far-left with the truth.

In fact, WND is not terribly crucial -- because it's not terribly truthful. Kupelian has yet to acknowledge that particular crucial truth.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:09 AM EDT

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