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Saturday, April 20, 2019
WND Columnists Cheer Fox Host's Hatred of Omar
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When Fox News host Jeanine Pirro was suspended by Fox News for a few weeks for making inflammatory remarks about Rep. Ilhan Omar -- accusing her of placing Shariah law before the Constiution because she's Muslim -- WorldNetDaily columnists were bummed because they completely agreed with Pirro's attacks.

Carole Hornsby Haynes argued that Pirro was right because all Muslims are liars:

Lying or dissimulation – taqiyah – is not only condoned, but recommended to Muslims in the Quran. A Muslim can and will lie without compunction if it is necessary to protect or further Islam.


Yet Pirro was correct in her opening statement that Omar submits to Shariah. Adherence to Islamic law can be visibly seen both in a Muslim’s dress and prayers (how they pray), as well as their comments and actions in life. Pirro was only stating a truth: that Muslim women are required to wear hijabs because Shariah requires it. Pirro also correctly indicated that Omar’s adherence to Shariah means that she cannot uphold the Constitution. Shariah is deemed divine law and does not permit Muslims to live under any other legal system, including the U.S. Constitution, which Muslims deem man-made law.

The Muslim Brotherhood has made it clear that its mission is to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and impose Shariah. The pattern of Islam is to use the courts, schools, art museums, political offices and other major institutions including outreach to churches, to infiltrate, gradually introduce Shariah and then finally take over a nation.

Progress toward attaining that goal will only increase as the numbers of Muslims in America increases.

Mychal Massie was even more enthusiastic in his praise for Pirro's attack, if not her trying to keep her job afterward, and his hate of Omar:

Not only am I not applauding Judge Jeanine Pirro’s return to the Fox News lineup; I think her return sends a message of “I’ll take the money and distance myself from the truth.” I tweeted the same thing a few days ago, and now I’m going to elaborate.

I was hoping someone would step up and say what I’m about to say. But, apparently no one is going to risk the wrath of media bigwigs for speaking the truth.

Pirro spoke the God’s honest truth when she addressed Ilhan Omar, the petulant Muslim Democrat hater of Israel and anti-American supporter of terrorist groups.


I would have pointed out that the foul little hate-filled bigamist who reportedly married her own brother is a blight on America. I would have demanded to know what part of the hate screeds Omar delivers standing in the United States Congress represents the people in Minnesota.

Ahhh, but there is the rub, isn’t it? Omar represents the part of Minnesota that has been taken over by Muslims. So, she is representing her constituents when she rails against Israel. How soon she and her kind forget that if she/they were back where they came from, they would be walking around with flies on them, eating dogs and being stoned for being a tramp – unless marrying your brother is considered honorable in Somalia.

(The idea that Omar married her brother is a never-proven right-wing conspiracy theory.)

Massie then took out his thesaurus to claim that "Omar, CAIR and all like them are rancid stenotopic calumniators whose sole purpose is to spread the satanic cult of Islam and overrun America."

Finally, Massie complained that because Pirro issued a half-hearted apology, she's been compromised:

It makes me grimace to say it, but we must now treat everything Pirro says on Fox News as suspect. Her integrity has been compromised for money. She will continue to seem her straight-shooter self, but I assure you she will be loath to speak the unadulterated truth going forward.

Everything she says moving forward will be said with the question in mind – whether or not she will be suspended or publicly reprimanded if she speaks the truth.

Then again, Massie tells a lot of lies, so he's hardly one to talk.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:22 AM EDT

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