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Tuesday, April 16, 2019
WND Columnist Goes Godwin on Transgenders (While Pretending He's Not)
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It began with doctrines of socialism, racialism and the green movement on college campuses. Yet soon it spread to high schools, then middle schools. As these leftist teachings took hold of our youth, the left continued, as they always do, to push the envelope of normalcy.

History has shown that it is relatively easy to indoctrinate the young to believe most anything.

Just look at how easily the Nazi propaganda ministry developed classroom lesson plans to teach children of the superiority of the Arian race, turning German children into Nazi Youth, or how the Palestinians have brainwashed their young to hate Jews and wish to kill.

These various radical philosophies were damaging enough to the young, but still, they only sought to change the students’ minds, not their bodies.

Now all that has changed. The latest leftist sensation sweeping our nation is transgenderism. Most adults have yet to buy into the propaganda, which is why the movement has now set its sights on our youth. And they understand, as did the Nazis and Islamists, that the earlier you grab hold of young minds, the better.

I’m, of course, not equating the radical transgender movement with Nazis or radical Islam. I’m merely suggesting that this is the very same tack used throughout history to inculcate and brainwash youth into thinking and acting in a pre-designated way.


We on the right, at least most of us, adhere to a live and let live philosophy. We frankly don’t care what anyone claims to be. But this live and let live philosophy isn’t good enough for the radical left. They’re not happy until they force us into celebrating their “alternative” lifestyles.

And since they’ve been unsuccessful at convincing us thus far, they’ve decided instead to attempt to indoctrinate our youth into first acceptance and then celebration.

-- Brent Smith, March 22 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 3:40 PM EDT

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