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Saturday, April 13, 2019
Irony: WND Columnists Complain About Dishonest Journalism (But Not At WND)
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It's always deliciously ironic when WorldNetDaily columnists complain about the media behaving the way WND does ... but never acknowledging that the publisher of their columns behaves in those ways.

First up this time around is Laura Hollis, who compalins in her March 28 column about how the media had an "obsession with the theory – now thoroughly debunked – that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election because Donald Trump and his team colluded with Russians." No mention, of course, of her publisher's obsession with the thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories involving Barack Obama's birth certificate and the death of Seth Rich.

Hollis then offered up ways that the media can "try and earn back the public’s trust" -- most of which, such as "Stop portraying your personal opinions as fact" and "Stop ignoring stories and hiding facts that paint your side, your preferred candidates or elected officials, or your favorite celebrities in an unfavorable light," should be followed by WND if it ever wants to try and earn back the public’s trust.

Then, it was Adriana Cohen's turn to selectively lecture the media. In her March 31 column, she proclaimed the "hoax" of Russian collusion by Trump a to be "an all-out propaganda war against a sitting president," apparently forgetting that her publisher's Obama birther obsession was the exact same thing. She obliviously added:

Countless members of the press committed media malpractice by spreading propaganda based on fictitious conspiracy theories and lies on their networks to target a politician they didn’t like.

That’s not journalism, folks. It’s a political hit job launched from America’s newsrooms, an unconscionable abuse of power by the media our nation has never witnessed before.

Spreading propaganda based on fictitious conspiracy theories and lies was, and is, WND's business model. But Cohen won't tell you that.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:24 AM EDT

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