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Tuesday, April 2, 2019
WND Hoaxsters Devote Magazine To Hoaxes (Not Their Own, Of Course)
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The current issue of WorldNetDaily's sparsely read Whistoleblower magazine is themed "AGE OF THE HOAX: How the progressive left creates, promotes and celebrates fake crimes." It apparently argues that Jussie Smollett's alleged hate-crime hoax isn't "any different from what today’s hard-left Democratic Party does every day from morning until night." WND managing editor David Kupelian went on to complain that "we are expected to embrace their favorite hoaxes – ‘the world will end in 12 years’ – as existential threats, while obviously real crises – like the radically intensifying invasion across our southern border – they mock as ‘hoaxes’ and ‘manufactured crises.'"

Ironic, since WND was the perpetrator of two of the biggest political hoaxes in recent years: the Obama birther hoax and and the Seth Rich hoax. WND has never apologized for the lies it spread about Obama, nor about the fact that it knew or should have known that its Seth Rich conspiracy theory was bogus even as it continued to spread it. WND bigwigs like Kupelian and Joseph Farah demanded that we embrace these hoaxes that, if they actually cared about truth and honesty, they knew were false.

But we know they don't. And that brings us to another bit of irony: One of the  contributors to this particular issue of Whistleblower is Dinesh D'Souza, wdho is best known these days for spreading false claims about history, then getting repeatedly dunked on by actual historians like Kevin Kruse who actually know what they're talking about.

Refusal to address that gaping hole in WND's logic doesn't help to rebuild its long-lost credibility, which is a big reason WND is in perpetual financial trouble.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:44 AM EDT

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