Topic: WorldNetDaily
Jesse Lee Peterson hit the ground ranting in his Jan. 13 WorldNetDaily column:
Immoral Democrat [sic] women have corrupted young people to believe that morality is not important, and now more than ever these women are being elected to run our government. Women, more than men, promote and make excuses for immorality. Real men do not go along with wrongdoing, but beta males abandon morality and follow these women. Such people hate God, hate men, hate the unborn child, and love to promote their immoral false morality.
Peterson then felt the need to explain exactly what alleged offenses to immorality these Democratic women committed, complete with graphic:
Ayanna Pressley is celebrated by morally bankrupt people as the first “African American” representative from Massachusetts. But she married a man who already has a young daughter by another woman. This is immoral and selfish – children’s souls yearn for their real parents, and don’t want to compete with a stepparent for attention. Ayanna and her new “husband” have sacrificed his daughter’s soul to satisfy their own desires. This beta male supported his new “wife’s” campaign and has been misleading other young black males a “leader” in Barack Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” program.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is a divorced and remarried mother, and a hijab-wearing Somalian Muslim refugee. She should not be allowed to wear an Islamic headscarf in Congress! She supports socialism and the radical “LGBTQIA+” agenda. She also lied about opposing “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” (BDS) against Israel. Moral people would never elect such a Muslim to run our government!
Deb Haaland, D.-New Mexico, is celebrated by shallow people as one of the first “Native American” women in Congress. She was a single mother and raised a daughter who came out as a lesbian. After Haaland was elected, she falsely accused President Trump of “rhetoric of erasing trans people in this country” and “ripping children from their parents.” This failure of a parent turned her daughter away from the father, and pretends to care about people confused about their gender and sexuality.
Veronica Escobar, D.-Texas, is a “Mexican-American” mother and politician who officiated the so-called “wedding” of a young “gay couple” who supported her. She claimed Trump “really frightened” her, saying, “I worry about the planet. I worry about immigrants. I worry about women. I worry about the LGBT community.” President Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio, the sheriff falsely accused of “racial profiling” and “contempt” of court by a liberal judge. In reaction, she cursed and lied, “Un-f***ing-believable! … do you know what message that sends to Hispanics? ‘You don’t belong here.'” She doesn’t belong in office!
Sharice Davids, D.-Kansas, is another first “Native American” female representative – and a lesbian, the “first openly LGBT member of Congress from Kansas.”
Last week I wrote about “the first Palestinian American” Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D.-Michigan. The divorced single mother told one of her young sons of President Trump, “We’re gonna impeach the motherf—er.” She repeated this at a bar at a event after being sworn into office. I said then that she is a national security threat to the country. She should be focused on setting a better example for her children, not running the country!
(Sorry, Jesse, the charges for which Arpaio was convicted are very much true, and the judge's alleged politics are irrelevant.)
Peterson went to make up stuff about President Trump:
President Trump is a moral man. He loves the country. He moved past his errors in life, no longer bragging about wrongdoing. Sinners attack Trump because he says he does not ask God for forgiveness. But he does right today – not wrong. Once you repent and are born again of God, you no longer sin. The hypocrites, like Satan, endlessly bring up Trump’s past to accuse him, when they’re no better.
Peterson offers no proof Trump is a "moral man" who "moved past his errors in life," or that he has ever repented for his rampant immorality.