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Monday, December 10, 2018
CNS Unemployment Coverage Distortion Watch

There are enough positive numbers in the latest jobless figures, so the pro-trump rah-rah continues at Susan Jones dutifully proclaims in her main article:

The November employment report, released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows the economy added 150,000 jobs, well below the (revised) 237,000 added last month.

But the unemployment rate held steady at 3.7 percent for the third month in a row; and the number of employed Americans once again reached an all-time high of 156,795,000, the 13th record since Donald Trump became president.

Jones waited until the sixth paragraph to note that "On the negative side, the labor force participation rate remained stubbornly high," blaming it on "the growing number of Baby Boom retirees." You might recall that CNS obsessed over the high labor force participation rate under President Obama even as the unemployment rate plummeted, while rarely bothering to explain that retiring Baby Boomers are driving up that number.

As usual, Jones' article was joined by sidebars from editor in chief Terry Jeffrey on growing manufacturing jobs and declining government jobs -- implicitly crediting Trump for both trends -- and  a post from Craig Bannister about Hispanic unemployment, which CNS' Media Research Center owner is synergistically exploiting for its own purposes.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:00 AM EST

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