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Sunday, June 11, 2017
WND Can't Stop Lying About Bogus Religious Discrimination Case
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh laments in a June 5 WorldNetDaily article:

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the case of a U.S. Marine who was court-martialed for posting Bible verses at her desk.

The Marine Corps’ chief argument is that it has the authority to decide whether or not a particular religious practice is important enough to be protected by the First Amendment, said the non-profit legal group First Liberty, which represents Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling.

Unruh is lying -- Sterling was not "court-martialed for posting Bible verses at her desk."

As we've noted and Chris Rodda doucumented at the Huffington Post, the charges against Sterling at her court-martial included failing to go to her appointed place of duty, disrespecting a commissioned officer, and disobeying direct orders from her superiors to wear the proper uniform. The Bible-verse charge was the least of her offenses.

Unruh doesn't mention any those inconvenient facts, presumably because he's simply taking dictation from Sterling's lawyers at First Liberty instead of acting like a real journalist and seeking out all the facts.

In dishonestly focusing on a single aspect of Sterling's case in order to falsely portray heras a victim instead of the run-of-the-mill violator of Marine standards she actually is, First Liberty is lying too. But, again, Unruh is not being paid by WND to tell that truth to his readers.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:52 PM EDT

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