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Thursday, June 8, 2017
MRC Admits 'Far-Left' Label Unfair, Designed to Smear
Topic: Media Research Center

You gotta love it when the Media Research Center inadvertently gives away the game. Tim Graham does just that in a June 5 post when he complains that "Liberals generally avoid any reference to a 'far left,' since that would unfairly make Democrats sound synonymous with communists."

Unfairly making Democrats sound synonymous with communists, though, is precisely the point of the MRC's promiscuous use of "far left" to label anything and everything it doesn't like.

Ironically, in addition to coming after he had already labeled the Southern Poverty Law Center "far-left," Graham's complaint comes in the midst of whining that NPR is doing the same thing the MRC does in alleged overuse of a descriptor: "NPR had no problem using 'far right' to describe murderous white nationalists on Sunday and the 'Texas Freedom Caucus,' a group of conservative Republican state legislators in Austin, on Saturday."

Of course, Graham never explains the difference between conservative (in further irony, a label the MRC has also railed against) and "far right," or why the Texas Freedom Caucus is not the latter.

If Graham did that, he would then also have to explain why the MRC insists on labeling any remotely non-conservative person or group "far left." But he's a terrible media critic, so he doesn't want to have to defend his methods -- or explain why he's hypocritically bashing someone else for something he himself does.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:30 PM EDT

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