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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Twitter Suspends WND Over Seth Rich Tweet; WND Still Won't Admit Story Is Bogus
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily still doesn't get it. It continues to peddle discredited Seth Rich conspiracies even after getting busted for doing so.

Bob Unruh spends a May 24 article complaining that Twitter suspended WND's account for 12 hours over its tweeting of another dubious Seth Rich story. But Unruh's story is loaded with dubious claims and outright falsehoods:

  • Unruh falsely claims that private investiagtor Rod Wheeler was "hired by the Rich family." He wasn't.
  • Unruh wrote that "Wheeler said in several interviews last week that a federal investigator has elaborate details of Rich’s connection to WikiLeaks and is a credible source." In fact, Wheeler has since admitted he never talked to that "federal investigator," and that he has no firsthandknowledge of any link between Rich and WikiLeaks.
  • The tweet that prompted Twitter's suspension was of a WND article by Alicia Powwe and Pizzagate promoter Liz Crokin about Wheeler's claim that "Donna Brazile is the high-ranking DNC representative who allegedly called police and the family of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and demanded to know why a private investigator was “snooping” into Rich’s death." Given that Wheeler has retracted pretty much everything he has said about the Rich case so far, there's no reason whatsoever to treat him as credible now -- something Powe and Crokin don't tell their readers.

WND's tweet included the hashtag #SethRichCoverUp, which is probably the thing that set off Twitter's policing mechanism.

Because WND can't ever tell a straight news story, Unruh feels the need to take shots at Twitter co-founder Evan Williams for apologizing if Twitter made Donald Trump's presidency possible. Unruh provides no evidence whatsoever that Williams had anything to do with WND's suspension, despite hinting at it.

Through all the whining, though, Unruh admits: "A WND company official confirmed the tweet was deleted per the company’s instructions." Remember, WND does back down when it's directly threatened; it heavily toned down its race-baiting after Google threatened to pull ad revenue over that.

Through all of this, however, at no point does Unruh concede that the Seth Rich conspiracies it has been heavily promoting for the past week have been repeatedly discredited.

That's needlessly dogged devotion to a story they know is false.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:26 PM EDT

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