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Friday, February 24, 2017
WND's Jihad Against Keith Ellison Continues
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has been regularly smearing Rep. Keith Ellison as a secret Muslim tool or something since his name came up as a possible Democratic National Committee chairman. How have those smears been going?

On Jan. 26, an anonymous WND writer intoned:

He was put into office by dedicated communists. He supported the dissolution of the United States to create an ethnostate only for blacks. He’s been the biggest defender of the Muslim Brotherhood in Congress.

And, now, he’s poised to take over one of America’s two major political parties.

He’s Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota. And he’s one of “The Enemies Within” profiled in Trevor Loudon’s explosive new documentary of that name.

That would be the same anti-communist foreigner Trevor Loudon who's beloved by far-right fringers like Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid.

The anonymous WND writer also called upon WND author and Muslim-hater Philip Haney to fearmonger that "it is indisputable Ellison is closely aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, its front groups and its ideological goals." It's left unstated exactly what the Muslim Brotherhood even is, let alone what its purported "ideological goals" are.

WND anonymously rehashed its attacks in a Feb. 16 article, insisting that "a great deal of evidence indicates Ellison an operative for the Muslim Brotherhood." The anonymous writer also quoted WND columnist Jesse Lee Peterson -- who has no known expertise on either Islam or Democratic politics to furthe smear Ellison: "Ellison is a dangerous individual. He is not an acceptable candidate to be chair of the DNC. He is so far out of the mainstream that he shouldn’t be in Congress and should be charged and prosecuted for sedition."

This anonymous writer even called upon WND's favorite race-baiter, Colin Flaherty -- who's been scarce around these parts since Google threatened to pull its advertising from WND due to his obsession with "black mob violence" --  to make a race-related smear against Ellison:

“If black people want to support Ellison because he is the major black candidate, well, I suppose it is their privilege to support someone whose only claim to fame is that he hates America,” he said. “This guy is a disaster on every level. His prominence is a clarion call for people who reject racial preferences, big government and promotion of Islam. The fact that large numbers of people find him an acceptable candidate is just about as alarming as anything we can point to today.”

While Flaherty regards David Duke as a marginal figure and his endorsement of no importance, he does see similarities between Duke and Ellison.

“If someone wanted to make a moral equivalence between Duke and Ellison, that would be a great idea,” he said. “An obvious idea. Which makes it all the stranger that so few people draw the parallel.”

That's how desperate WND is to hurl any and every smear at Ellison. That, and the fact that WND's reporter won't put his or her name on the smears -- contradicting editor Joseph Farah's claim that "WND reports openly and honestly, listing publicly who’s who."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:53 AM EST

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