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Wednesday, February 15, 2017
CNS Devotes 3 Articles to Trump Aide, Censors His Lies

When it came time to document Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller's Sunday-morning talk-show marathon, reporter Susan Jones knew it was time to get into stenography mode. So she cranked out three articles' worth of stenography:

  • The first touted how Miller "said President Trump's authority to suspend the entry of aliens into this country is 'beyond question,' both in law and according to the Constitution" and complained that "a district judge, a district judge in Seattle, cannot make immigration law for the United States."
  • The second promoted Miller saying that ""The crackdown on illegal immigrants is merely the keeping of my campaign promise."
  • The third featured a back-and-forth between Miller and "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace and waited until the ninth pagaraph to note Miller's assertion that "the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned."

Curiously, Jones made no mention of Miller's appearance on that other Sunday show, ABC's "This Week." Why? It's where Miller told a bunch of demonstrable lies -- most prominently, his utterly unsubstaniated and discredited assertion that "thousands of illegal voters were bused from Massachusetts to New Hampshire" to vote -- and Jones isn't being paid to call out a member of the Trump administration as a liar.

Jones can only be bothered to trot out something approaching acutal journalism when it can be used to serve her (and the Media Research Center's) right-wing agenda. That makes her a propagandist, not a reporter.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:31 AM EST

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