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Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Fake News: WND Uses Fake Obama Photo To Illustrate Obama-Bashing Article
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily just can't stop publishing fake news even as it blames others for creating it.

An anonymously written Dec. 27 WND article claiming that "the Obama administration gave Iran secret exemptions, allowing the terror-sponsoring state to stockpile uranium in larger amounts than the limits imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal" is illustrated with a picture of President Obama apparently posing with Iran President Hassan Rouhani.

WND uses the image again in the front-page carousel tease for the article:

But as Right Wing Watch reports, Obama has never met Rouhani. The photo is a fake -- the image lifts a photo of Obama, who has never met Rouhani, meeting with former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The orange in India's flag behind them has been replaced by the green from Iran's flag.

Right Wing Watch adds that has caught others using the image. Maybe if WND didn't dismiss all fact-checkers as liberal shills, it would have caught this before publishing it and embarassing itself -- and damaging its credibility -- even further.

UPDATE: WND has replaced the image with a stock photo of Obama. It didn't tell readers that the image was changed, let alone why.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:19 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 9:13 PM EST

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