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Tuesday, December 6, 2016
WND's Islamophobic Reporter Writes an Anti-Muslim Book
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A Nov. 19 WorldNetDaily article by Paul Bremmer is ostensibly about Jeff Sessions' nomination as attorney general but -- as one might expect from by WND's PR guy -- turned into a stealth announcement of the new bnook by WND reporter Leo Hohmann:

Hohmann’s brand new book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,” provides an in-depth look at the plan of radical Muslims to fundamentally transform the population of the United States by establishing enclaves of non-assimilated Muslim immigrants – a process known as “civilization jihad.”

The book releases nationwide in January 2017, but it is available in e-book format now exclusively at the WND Superstore. Hard copies are also available for preorder only from the Superstore.

“In my book, I provide tons of evidence, through real-life cases, that Muslims who migrate to the United States are given special status,” Hohmann explained. “I call them ‘super citizens.’ Not only are they not required to assimilate into our society, but when they run afoul of the law they are often not held fully accountable.

“We look at cases in Georgia, Idaho and Minnesota in which Muslim refugees were involved in some pretty serious crimes and the prosecutors either charged them with misdemeanors or didn’t charge them at all, even when there were eyewitnesses to their crimes.

“Then we’ve seen U.S. attorneys in Minnesota and Idaho come to the defense of the perpetrators and actually threaten the law-abiding public, warning that any statements or social media postings that are overly critical of Islam will be met with prosecution.”

Yeah, about that. We documented Hohmann's reporting on the Idaho case, which involved him scrubbing his article to take out all the false things that had been reported about it earlier, giving an uncritical platform to anti-Muslim activists, then being so upset with the fact that the local U.S. attorney was telling anti-Muslim activsts to stop lying about the case that he approvingly quoted WND's lawyer, Daniel Horowitz, libeling the U.S. attorney as a "criminal terrorist." On top of that, he attacked a Chobani yogurt plant in Idaho for hiring Muslim refugees.

Hohmann has also fretted that Muslims who commit terrorist acts are being called mentally ill, complained that people were actually investigating violent incidents involving Muslims instead of automatically declaring that the Muslim was motivated by ISIS or whatever, freaked out about a Muslim winning a state legislative seat in Minnesota, and revived an Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy theory involving a third suspect, a "shadowy Middle Easterner."

So, yeah, Hohmann is the perfect guy to write a WND-published book about Muslims -- because he will only bash them and can't be bothered to report the full story.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:32 AM EST

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